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Everything posted by raven95

  1. raven95

    Close preview question

    Hi everyone ! I started playing dayz in January 2014, i have been playing non-stop since that until today. Now with xbox launch i´m getting hyped because i´ll be able to play with my brother and with some xbox friends. My question is: Is there any way that i can participate in the close preview for xbox ? - it says you give away a limited amount of keys to Dayz fans. Is that a random process or do i have to sign up somewhere to participate ? I would really love to try it on xbox. i have thousands of hours played on pc and i´m really excited for the xbox version ! :)
  2. raven95

    Close preview question

    I would say twitter but keep an eye here too just in case ;)
  3. raven95

    Close preview question

    Thank you !
  4. raven95

    Close preview question

    I tested it yesterday by a mixer streamer on xbox who was sharing the cotroller with the viewers and it seems to have proximity voice chat just like the one we have on pc at the moment :) The thing is, could we stay in a party with friends talking and still be able to use the proximity chat to interact with players ? Cause that would be great.
  5. raven95

    Close preview question

    You are the only one posting shit here. Learn to read and stop making a fool of yourself. Thx ;)