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About tomusgilbert

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  1. tomusgilbert

    Simple tweak to fix combination locks!

    No this is incorrect. For thieves it will be much harder, because for every digit they should need to perform a 1 or 2 second animation to attempt unlocking the lock. This would have to be done for every single digit combination and would take many hours with a 4 digit lock. The lock should not open by itself when you get the correct combination. But for base owners you would be able to unlock it in a few seconds.
  2. tomusgilbert

    Simple tweak to fix combination locks!

    I disagree, if you have to play a 1-2 second animation every time you attempt to unlock plus the small time you take to change the digit, then it would take much longer. The 3 digit lock has 1,000 possible combinations and if it took 3 seconds per attempt, then it could take up to 3,000 seconds or 50 minutes. The 4 digit has 10,000 possible combinations meaning it could take up to 30,000 seconds or 8 hours and 20 minutes. Not to mention how much more tedious it would be. I haven’t played console but I’m sure there’s a way, like the up and down on the d pad for changing the dial numbers?
  3. I see people beg for code locks all the time. Problem is they really don’t fit into the world of Dayz. I’ve done a ton of base building and I think combination locks can be adjusted to make them just as good as code locks. 1. Use the scroll wheel to quickly change digits instead of the cumbersome holding mouse 1. No more overshooting your digit and having to go through the entire cycle again! 2. Change between dials with mouse 1. 3. Open lock with the f key, which plays a small 1-2 second animation opening / attempting to open the lock. This is to avoid instant code cracking from being able to change digits faster. So it just requires a change in key binds and a couple of short animations. Now you can input your combination almost as fast as a code lock, and without the code cracking problem.
  4. tomusgilbert

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    Hi Devs, Just been playing on the new 1.19 exp servers. I like the idea of how the new inertia system works, and for someone who is fully geared and weighed down it feels about right. But for a fresh spawn, who is still very light, you should still be, quite literally, "light" on your feet. You should be able to dart around a bit better with no weight on your back. That being said, why not tie the inertia settings to the stamina bar? My suggestion is, at max stamina you have the inertia like you had in 1.18, and then as you add weight you increase inertia in a linear fashion until you reach the current 1.19 inertia at minimum stamina. Max stamina = light and nimble; Min stamina = heavy and cumbersome. Would be a realistic and interesting extra dynamic to the progression of your character and overall pvp gameplay.
  5. I agree that guessing combinations for 30 minutes is not good for gameplay. But I'm fresh out of ideas for alternatives. You might want to open up a new threat for code locks and get some ideas from the community 😂 Yeah I like that idea of items progressively decaying rather than just vanishing, and thus having to perform maintenance on them. Surely it wouldn't be too much of a problem for server performance? There are thousands of items that have those statuses for the amount of damage on a particular item in every server. But hey I'm no game developer.
  6. @DefectiveWater I think you changed my mind! I whole-heartily agree with you that bases shouldn't be a logout safe space or indestructible. I guess I was just thinking that explosives/other heavy duty equipment should be the only way of raiding but then that would cause most bases to be untouched. - I'm not sure what you're saying about code locks, are you saying that if you try all the combinations then the lock should just break? I think the focus should be on breaking the gate itself rather than the lock. - I definitely agree with you that bases should also not be easy to build, they should reward effort. - I also really like the idea of having shorter base walls with a max length of the current wall, and having different variations of the current materials. It would definitely help to make bases look more the part and freshen up their look! - Isn't base decay already a thing? I think you just interact with the base flag and it refreshes the base's decay timer. I might be wrong, I haven't done much base building either for the reasons I mentioned in the original post... - Yeah I agree with you that we shouldn't make bases too indestructible. And no I'm not a fan of base raiding in modded servers, dunno what I was thinking 😒😂
  7. @Officer Failure - I like the idea that dial locks should be destroyed when raiding a base. And yes, the process for unlocking a dial lock does need streamlining. I dunno how it works right now but I think if you use scroll wheel to change the numbers and mouse 1 to switch between each dial, that would be a pretty quick process. Or even just typing the numbers and each time you type a number it switches to the next dial. - The whole idea behind this post was "beefing up" your base with hesco boxes. It's a good idea but something like that would take time to implement when we already have hesco boxes working in game. - I'm very against the concept of stacking fences, I see them in modded servers and visually they make me want to vomit. Not to mention the devs would not want their base building system to look ugly when trying to market their game. HOWEVER you did raise a good point about using watch towers as siege towers, it makes building a base in the forest or in a clear area completely invalid. I'm kinda stumped on how to solve this issue. In medieval times, to prevent siege towers coming close to your walls you would generally build a moat, which would be cool... but with the way Dayz works I doubt you can dig out parts of the map, and it would also be pretty much impossible to fill it with water. The best solution I have is that putting barbed wire on your fence would create a 5-10 meter zone in front of the wall where watch towers and walls can't be built. It's far from a great solution in terms of realism, but it's the best I can think of without creating major changes to the game for such a small loophole. Thanks for the input! Have a nice day 😎
  8. I'm kinda stuck on how base entrances could be strengthened to be almost as strong as boxes. The best I could come up with was to have thick sheet metal that spawns similarly to the pallets of timber. They would be far rarer and spawn inside factories, and would be attached to a gate like the one in the second picture. But if you think of anything better let me know 😎 I like the idea of having to continually click to dismantle, but come to think of it, even just the ability to dismantle them with common tools will make it too easy. Most people would probably be more willing to quickly find a pickaxe or sledgehammer and hack at a box for say 10 or 20 minutes, rather than using the proper equipment like explosives which would take more time This is exactly what I want to see for base-building. Just gotta find the balance between vulnerability and protection
  9. I'm saying that they shouldn't easily be dismantled, that would make them pointless. I'm open to ideas on how they should be dismantled, the most logical way to me would be that they can only be destroyed using explosives. Obviously that could create problems when you misplace a whole row of them haha
  10. I don't believe in timers personally. I think it would make sense if explosives were the only way of destroying the boxes. Obviously this creates problems if you need to move a whole section of these barriers, so I'm open to ideas. Maybe if the barriers required 8 large stones to fill them in, and thus a pickaxe would be required to remove it, but it would take an extended amount of time to deconstruct
  11. I get what you're saying but I would prefer a more natural system. That's exactly why I like the progression of making a base made of wood to one made of hesco boxes. My idea is that once you've built up your base then it'll be more safe, but never unraidable like if it had a protection status on it
  12. So I found out that hesco boxes could be stacked as of 1.08 exp, but then the spawn rate was set to zero in 1.08 stable. And they would still not viable for base building since they can be quickly dismantled with a shovel. Hopefully this can be changed!
  13. Bases on vanilla Dayz servers have never really been a viable goal. The problem is because of two conflicting issues in the game: 1. The concept that any player should always have the ability to break into any base, unlike other games such as rust. This idea has always been what people have envisioned for Dayz for many years, six years ago(!) Brian Hicks mentioned that "no bases should be impenetrable". By the way, I do like this concept but I think it should only be kept to an extent. 2. Bases should never be impenetrable, so players instead have to defend their bases with either traps or themselves because this is more realistic (like what you would see in The Walking Dead). I also like this concept and think it should also be kept to an extent. The problem is that either players have to defend their bases around the clock, or those players just have to accept that the base they spent potentially several days building will be easily broken into in a matter of hours after they log off. Obviously defending your base 24/7 is completely impractical, even if that's more realistic because that's what you would have to do in real life. My solution to this conflict between realism and practicality is: Meet half way by having the ability to stack Hesco barriers up on top of each other to create a stronger base. Hesco barriers are already in the game, they make sense as a much more durable fortification and they fit in the world of Dayz. The hesco boxes should be more common but still rare enough where the process of building a base always starts with making it with wood/metal as it is already, so that the first few days your base looks something like this: During this time your base is a lot more vulnerable like it is in the current game. More time is devoted to protection but no guarantees of it surviving. You would obviously be storing up hesco boxes in this time and raiding other groups in the same stage of base building would likely help you get more boxes. After a fair amount of time accumulating these hesco boxes, you're able to start building something more like this: You should also have the ability to add barbed wire to the top of the hesco walls to prevent players climbing over. After more time the hesco walls could be built up to the maximum limit of 3 boxes high, which offers more protection but also requires a lot more boxes. These bases would be very hard to raid. I know this goes against what many people envisioned for the game including Brian Hicks, but the trade off is that these bases take a lot more effort to build and that effort is rewarded. It also avoids the unnatural feel of many base building mods that we've seen (including those dreaded brown skyscrapers) whilst still being reliably protected. To me this just seems like a no-brainer that this is the direction the developers should take with base building. - It fits in the world of Dayz; - rewards players for effort; - shouldn't be hard to implement since we already have the in-game assets (the boxes) ready and waiting; - somewhat maintains base vulnerability by keeping the "improvised" wood bases relevant, whilst also giving players the option to reliably protect their high-value items, farms, vehicles, etc. if they put in the work; - makes vanilla base building viable without the need for 24/7 protection from base owners for their bases to survive. I would imagine this would create a world where "clans" emerge, that not only base raid and protect their own bases, but can set up trading with each other, create alliances for control and take over other bases too. All this would be possible without the forced role-play you see on some RP servers which I don't like due to their rules on KOS and weird interactions (in my opinion). They would also have a space where they can use features like farming, vehicle maintenance and things that involve electricity like generators and lights (currently a wasted feature) to their full potential. I think this would open up a whole new dynamic in Dayz. Let me know what you guys think. (edit: poor wording)
  14. tomusgilbert

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    This will probably be quite unpopular but the biggest problem I see with the new zombies is the fact that they only knock you out and not finish you off. Now all you need to do is be careless enough to get knocked out, wait 1 minute and then proceed to do whatever you were doing before, albeit a bit roughed up. It makes it so unlikely that zombies will actually kill you that the threat they pose now is near obsolete. Zombies might have been frustrating before when you get knocked out and slowly die, but do we really prefer zombies that can't kill us? Seems like zombies will just become a mild inconvenience once again... I think they should revert their changes on this and the "agro scream" range nerf. Maybe reduce the chance of being knocked out by zombies instead?
  15. tomusgilbert

    Experimental Update 1.0150625

    I agree, or at least have them spawning with the majority of parts. Also, a lot of the parts a crazy amount of time and travelling to find. By the time you found that bloody spark plug you've ran around the entire map twice. Can we please get the spawn rates for these items way up? I don't think cars should be an end-game task (that should be base-building) - but for realism's sake - nor do I think it should be so easy that every gets a car.