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Everything posted by Roddis

  1. My English is shit...this explain quite good my thought. Give me initial full energy and water and my first move will be run as fast as I can toward my dead body/scene or the first military spot...all the initial/intermediate stage of the game would be gone, simply gone...
  2. Hope you was joking. First thing would happen is people would suicide to the close spawn point then rush to dead body trying to retrieve something. One of the most make Dayz pretty unique its exactly that if you die...you are done 95% times...you simply have to take a breath and start a new adventure...and I hope it will stay this way.
  3. Ok but those player will use those rare weapons first or later. So now there is a chance to have them killing or raiding, that is challenging. With new system, not in one day, not in two, but eventually we all will have those weapons because we (at least after some hours od experience on Dayz) know where those heli are. So its a really drastic change. Now is 0 to 5 rare weapon around no matter what...tomorrow, eventually, will be almost all of us with them...and it will be booooring if you ask me!!!
  4. So rare weapons will be no more rare weapons and we will all have rare weapons now? I dont be sure I will like it!!!
  5. Roddis

    Firearm vs a Shovel

    So after 550h I have now some sort of statistic. It happen to me that I lose maybe 8/10 times when a fresh spawn with a shovel/pickaxe/axe fight me in a close range when Im barely geared (a pistol usually + a BK or something similar). Well, you can say ''git gud noob'' and in fact I have very bad aim probably, but what strange is that, conversely, I win at least 6/10 in the opposite circumstances, that is me as a fresh span with an axe or similar against a poor guy that try to hit me with a pistol. I start to zig zag, I approach him and bang an hit and he is down. At a first moment I thought, maybe is a sort of anti KOS system (I know a lot of people have a thing with KOS and KOSer, I fine with both), but no, because a guy with only a shovel is (absolutely reasonable) the first KOSer in the game. He have nothing to lose and he know he have more that a slight chance to win against a middle geared. So what...its a very strange statistic of mine? If not, I would like to know what your statistic would be, cause I started to think this is simply stupid, when a guy with a firearm have to fear and flee a guy with a shovel... Or maybe there is some strategy? Or maybe I should simply go with a shovel until the first AK + heavy vest lol?
  6. Roddis

    Experimental Update 1.08

    I noticed, but didnt read anywhere, that fat size in inventory has been reduced (3x2 to 2x2). I think fat was already OP enough and it didnt need more. Maybe calories it provide has been reduced as well to compensate? Furthermore, I substantially like the new aim system but I think that now shot in standing stance is too much easy. Shot with scope in standing position should bring a little sway even holding breath.
  7. Roddis

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Thanks for the reply. Something about the sun/shadow glitch? It literally ruin some of the most atmospheric moments in DayZ...sunrise and sunset... But sadly I saw (video from 2016) this is a long bug never fixed. My fear is that you not even consider it as a bug...
  8. Roddis

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Again on lights. From a stove and the new cooking system. (Second half of both video)
  9. Roddis

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Cooked food still dont lose heat. So a single potato and the entire wheather system is fucked.
  10. Roddis

    Experimental Update 1.08

    If this : Fixed: Sun shaft effect was not present over the course of the day Has relation with this: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T150608 Its not fixed, in fact it seems even worse somehow. 6700k, 1080ti . Lg Ultrawide 3440x1440 win 10 Almost everything on Ultra, something on high.
  11. Roddis

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Lights seems to work very awkward sometimes. From a live streaming: