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Everything posted by Jackpal

  1. Jackpal

    Stable Update 1.19

    Um, that'll wait. That bus had a problem with bollards and crossings. Otherwise, the 1.20 update for Christmas would be good. If they added in the new update the option to sit in the back of the V3S and have a new bus car @Sid Debian
  2. Jackpal

    Stable Update 1.19

    Interesting update and we'll see how it actually goes. Otherwise, I hope that in UP 1.20 it will be possible to sit in the back of the V3S (on the body). Greetings from the Czech Republic
  3. Jackpal

    Writing on paper

    EN Hello, I would like to suggest writing on paper in the game. This option was when in version 0.58-0.59, but unfortunately in update 0.59 it sometimes started to duplicate texts. Subsequently, it was withdrawn and has never been in operation or repaired again. Although there is currently a mod on the market that currently supports writing on paper and for me I think it would be good to go back. At least a pen / pencil with paper will have other uses. Thank you in advance for reading, best regards JP. Here I still send a mod that does it: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1999076953 CZ Dobrý den, chtěl bych návrhnout psání na papír ve hře. Tato možnost byla kdy si ve verzi 0.58-0.59 ale bohužel v aktualizaci 0.59 občas začalo duplikovat texty. Následně to bylo stažene a zatím nikdy nebylo znovu v provozu či opravene. Sice aktuálně na trhu existuje mod který to momentálně podporuje psaní na papír a za mě si myslím, že by bylo dobré vrátit zpět. Aspoň propiska/tužka s papírem budou mít další využití. Předem děkuji za přečtení, s pozdravem JP. Zde ještě posílám mod který to děla: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1999076953
  4. Hello, I have a problem with current version of Dayz exp. 0.63. The problem is that in Dayz exp.63 No sounds are heard. Please advice and tips on what to do about it. Thank you