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Everything posted by JayZDayZ

  1. I played the experimental patch for a while and it was a pretty decent experience. It was definitely a huge step in the right direction. I do have some important suggestions and points I want to share to build onto/improve the system. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.) AKM: The AKM seems to have too little recoil and too much accuracy, especially since it has a high fire rate. You can basically hold down the fire button, shake the gun left to right really quick, and hit a player that is behind a ton of zombies, without aiming directly at the player for more than a fraction of a second. I also got shot by someone with spraying with an AKM. The recoil was surprisingly low. The damage and fire rate seem to be acceptable and should not require a nerf, in my opinion. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.) Sprinting System: The sprinting system was an idea I hated, but the way it was implemented was a good idea. It still needs to be adjusted a bit. To be honest, wearing light gear and having a small amount of items took away too much maximum stamina from the bar. I really feel that for it to be properly balanced, only the clothes you wear should have an effect on the stamina bar. I had a mostly empty backpack and light clothing but somehow my stamina bar was at 70-80 percent. If we travel far to get loot, it really punishes us, even if we don't have much. I feel that if I ran a bunch of kilometers with heavy gear, I should be able to have better stamina eventually. It was just disappointing that I could walk for an infinite amount of time but have to be restricted permanently by stamina. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.) Foot Step Sound: The footstep sounds are too silent. People with a bunch of gear that are sprinting on grass/wood/etc do not make much noise. This has lead to a couple deaths where I was so confused at how the footstep sounds could be so silent, that I wasn't really mad. I've also snuck up on people a on and they rarely ever noticed me, while I sprinted, even when I was generally close. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.) Bullet Icons: One of the biggest and most annoying problems I have had in experimental was that the icons for bullets did not clearly display what type of bullet something was, so I would have to hover over it. There has been 20+ times where I confused ammo with each other or accidentally sorted it bad. I feel like the main problem is that some icons show multiple types bullets instead of one detailed bullet. I suggest that the bullets take up twice the space in length, but can stack up to a larger size. Or, smaller types of bullets take up one space and larger bullets take up 2-3. I do not believe that conserving ammunition should be a huge deal in casual servers. If someone wants to loot for 12 hours to get all the ammo, they should be able to (and hold a bunch). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.) Huge Gun Balance/Adding Guns: Throughout my DayZ experience, I have been heavily disappointed in the civilian weaponry. The problem is not that it's hard to fend off people with full military gear. The problem is that the civilian weapons are too unreliable, inconvenient, and hard to get. It is either super low caliber or a fast shooting automatic. The ammunition is also too much trouble to get. There are a couple guns that are an exception to that description, like the Blaze 95, but for some reason the Blaze 95 did too little damage (4+ chest shots to kill), even when .308 was the most OP in the game at one point. The only decent civilian weapon would be the IZH 18, but it is too unreliable. Making a gun a one shot makes it impossible to fight anyone that feels like moving up on you, even if you make 100 percent of the shots. The fix isn't to make it do more damage, but to actually add in a civilian bolt action or lever gun. I could walk to NW Airfield, loot for a long time, come back to the coast, and have full gear faster than I could have a good amount of bullets for a civilian gun. In fact, it's much safer to go to military bases for food/etc than to loot cities that are on the coast (and sometimes in land too). I suggest making more civilian ammo/guns spawn at civilian areas. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.) Zombies: Firing a gun makes all the zombies run to you, even if they don't see you. It's a huge problem because you could be chasing someone down, and they suffer no consequence for rushing towards a horde. Everyone should be attacked, not just one person. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.) Player Spawning: One of the biggest problems is that players can log in behind you and kill you. People will do this on purpose and it is very easy to do. The fix is very simple. Just make it so people can get their connection refused if a player is detected within 50 meters of the area. I feel this is really the only way to fix the problem. Adding connection time would not be a good fix to prevent server jumping because it punishes everyone. What I would prefer is making it so you can't server jump right on military areas. You should be forced to logout within a couple feet of a bed and then walk to a loot area and back to continue server jumping. This eliminates so many problems like A.) People spawning on you and killing you. B.) Server jumping quickly to get loot. C.) Stops people from spawning in the woods and sniping people from complicated spots. If you want to get kills, loot, ETC, you should have to work for it. No one should have to wait an extra 60 seconds or extra amount of time because of the people who need to loot or feel like camping in cheap spots without putting effort. Hackers will sometimes login to one spot that overlooks a whole city and then begin aimbotting everyone while using ESP. I've talked to hackers that have done that and I have experienced hackers who have done that to me. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.) Report Last Death Button: When someone kills you, it would be great to have a button that reports the player that killed you, logs information and 2 minutes of gameplay, then lets you put a description. Let me state some of the benefits: If someone is reported for using a newer hack, a moderator could review what happened to see if they could get vital information that could help the developers. Maybe the people are using voice chat and are going "I see you through the walls" and its actually happening.
  2. I am usually a major troll, but I wanted to give my feedback and suggestions from over 1500 hours of DayZ Stand Alone time. There are people with a certain amount of ignorance, stupidity, and hypocrisy, that can literally make DayZ a bad game, that should result in people getting punished (by preventing them from posting). The reason this is a problem is because they try to make DayZ SA into a game that only benefits them, and it ends up happening. ____________________________________________________________________________ 1.) AK Damage: For the past few years, the AK-74 could shoot people 20+ times, close-long range, (with or without armor) and they would survive. Somehow, I can kill fully geared military people with a makarov with 4-8 shots or less. This is no "one time" thing or rare event. Here are just a couple of the most memorable gun fights. A.) I remember I shot a guy so much that his leg broke and eventually fell unconscious (point blank). I emptied 10+ bullets into him and I had to reload before killing him. B.) I saw a guy (medium range) and he had an SKS. I fired first, hit him 5+ times (chest and leg) before he shot me once in the chest (and hit my assault vest) and then hit my leg once. I hit him another 8+ times before his second shot. Of course I fall unconscious from just 2 shots. C.) (Point blank range) we both have Ak's and we are both standing still firing into each other. I fire 10+ rounds before he fires (we are both hitting every shot and firing at each others chests). I fall unconscious and die eventually. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2.) Item Placement in Backpack: For a long time there has been problems with items going into inconvenient spots. For example, I could pull a pistol from a vest or backpack and it will go to a different, larger spot, when I put it back. Usually the large spot is from me pulling a bigger item/switching an item so when I click my hot bar to place it back, it can’t go in the spot and falls down without me noticing. To fix this, an item being placed back should be placed from the previous slots it was in, not the highest slot. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3.) Stuck Protection: If a player or entity is detected in between walls or spots they shouldn't, they get pushed out towards the previous, non-stuck location. There are too many glitches where you can walk into walls accidentally or on purpose. All it takes is pressing simple buttons, like the button to walk forward. There should be way more protection from glitches. I still have PTSD from walking down the PD stairs and getting killed multiple times. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4.) Hunger/Hydration is too much work: With all these systems that slow down the player from traveling, it wastes the developers time to edit the map in areas other than the coast. Hunger is not that big of a deal, but a lot of people complain about hydration. Many players are happy that they can glitch the game by spamming F to drink faster or vomit to make more stomach room in a glitchy way (it like triples the room). ____________________________________________________________________________ 5.) Automatic Server Restart Warnings: All servers should have warnings placed in chat for when a server restart is about to happen. There have been times when my friends and I switch servers from servers restarting and we get to other servers that are restarting (different timezone based ones too) multiple times in a row. Orange text with messages 1 minute before the restart will do fine. ____________________________________________________________________________ 6.) Map Navigation/GPS: Players should be able to use maps to tell their location, it will give maps more meaning. I am tired of navigating with online maps and compasses. I want to not be worried about my mistakes. I don't want to be a professional navigator, it's boring. I can point in one direction, first try, and get to almost any airfield. The main problem is when you explore areas, like forests. It all looks the same to me. There are usually slight differences but I don't want to have to be Sherlock Holmes to go through areas. At least add a GPS system that requires a battery to find my location and look around the map. ____________________________________________________________________________ 7.) Gun Resting/Building Hitbox: Fire fights are obstructed due to windows and other obstacles. If you fire above windows/ledges, it hits the ledge, even if you aim too high. It is tougher to do sneak attacks or guard buildings because of this. Another problem is that when someone wants to aim up the stairs (or up in general) the angle is too low and they can’t really hit anyone. ____________________________________________________________________________ 8.) Item Switching Lag/Glitches: There have been too many situations where I wanted to switch to a weapon or item, but died because of lag preventing me from switching to something that could save my life. The situations usually could have gone in my favor many times if the lag only lasted 10 seconds or less. This can happen on servers with 32 ping. There isn’t really any lag when this happens, usually just that one lag-feeling thing happens. ____________________________________________________________________________ 9.) Hip-Fire Problems: I like the crosshair that the player can use to aim. Unfortunately, it seems to be too high/very inaccurate. A target was 4-6 feet away and standing still with me, no swaying from my gun. I aimed at him with a trumpet, fired a round, and it went over his head, despite aiming lightly under the person neck (and the gun clearly not being zero’d to 10,000 meters. The reason this bothers me is because I always aim to make a hit and rarely try to hit a specific or small target. It’s kind of annoying to be unable to be very accurate unless aiming down sights. ____________________________________________________________________________ 10.) Ammunition/Gear Damage: I liked the old feature where you could click “sort bullets” to get damaged bullets back. You never really got too much ammunition back, but a good enough amount. The problem is that if you get shot, even once, it is a major inconvenience that can result in a loss of hours of gear. Repair kits (like sewing kits and leather repair kits) should be able to repair armor. I believe that you should be able to use duct tape and other items to fix gear. ____________________________________________________________________________ 11.) Item Stacking/Storage: A.) Storing items in clothes/backpacks is kind of annoying because you need a lot of space. We should be able to have a stack of at least 10 cloth, instead of taking up a bunch of room. If not, bandages should be able to have a bunch of uses instead of being sort of useless. Rags should be for splints, stopping the bleeding, arm bands, etc, and bandage should be for healing players a few percent and stopping the bleeding. B.) It is too annoying to have 30+ spots that have ammunition, instead of having 1 slot for each type. I know that without a proper fix, it could lead to players storing too much ammunition. The way it has been now, if you do not grab the ammunition you find, you feel like you are losing out. I am tired of having to store 100+ rounds, constantly organize stuff, and feeling worried about loading my weapon too slow. I really feel like I would rather people have infinite ammunition in one stack, then having the burden of trying to worry about everything. For sniper rounds/shotgun rounds, I understand only having stacks of 15-20. But for auto/semi-automatic, it’s too little space. ____________________________________________________________________________ 12.) More Items For Roleplay/ETC: A.) Riot Shield With Baton: A highly-bullet resistant riot shield would be nice to have. Counts as a full weapon and can be placed in hands or on back. It should be able to block bullets from people that are slightly elevated, protecting the head and body. Crouching can protect the legs, but not the feet. It can possibly be repaired with other items, like duct tape or nails. B.) Police Whistle: Left clicking with it makes a whistle noise. C.) Taser: Firing the taser and hitting someone with light clothes or skin vibrates the screen, makes a light electric noise, and stuns the player, causing them to shake a little) for 5 or so seconds, depending on what the person is wearing and the range of the person. Range of a few meters, not too high. Too much stunning leads to unconscious or death. D.) Pepper Spray: Hitting the eyes of players from close range causes people to have a blurry screen and requires putting water over the eyes. Combining a rag + water = fixing the vision. This can give a whole new use to having glasses and other masks. E.) Fire Extinguisher that Works: Can be used to coat the ground with the substance, douse players, cause temporary blindness. F.) Megaphone With Sound Effects: I heard something about a Megaphone that might be in the game. I feel like there should be a speaking mode but a sound effect mode, for blasting sirens or other stuff. G.) Shotgun that fires Bean Bag Rounds: Found in the police station. Distance and clothes determine how much damage is done. Leg/arm shots can fracture it after repeated hits. Head shots can cause unconsciousness or fatal injury. ____________________________________________________________________________ 13.) Body Pain Reactions: To be honest, falling unconscious or dying should not be a super common thing to almost every injury. There should be a feature where if you took too much pain, you fall on the floor, lay down facing up, and grab the injured part, looking hurt or something like that. This could possible give pain killers more use. Using it before injury can prevent the pain, but more trauma could lead to being unconscious/death. ____________________________________________________________________________ 14.) Opening/Closing Doors: Opening/Closing a door should involve holding F/Use Key which causes the player to reach out, grab the door, and do the action. There is too many problems with playing “door roulette” where a player runs in, presses F, but misses, tries to close the door but makes it open and close and open again. This can also be a problem if they want to bum rush a building. ____________________________________________________________________________ 15.) Locked Items: It would be a great use to crowbars and keys if there were locked cases, doors, chests, etc to get some loot by using those tools to open them. Now, people have more incentive to use something other than an axe, which makes the knives obsolete. The loot should be restricted to items that have a high chance of being useful, like dry food, weapons, medical supplies, etc. ____________________________________________________________________________ 16.) Kick Feature: There should be a kick feature which makes a sound and opens doors. This would also be great for countering the lockpick, instead of punching the door. It would also be useful for pushing players away from yourself and can possible use stamina. To keep this short and honest, there have been too many times when I am either forced to use complete deadly force for a minor threat, or risk dying by putting away my weapon to save ammunition. There are times when a player is using light melee weapons and try to “will” my player to kick. The combat is too limited when it comes to non-lethal, especially since a lethal option is too resource consuming. ____________________________________________________________________________ 17.) Trumpet Fix: Pump actions are hardly found, unless if it’s a trumpet or shotgun with a pistol grip. The problem is that pumping the guns usually involves too much movement, for no reason, and makes it take too long to fire at a target. To fire, pump, aim down sights, with a trumpet takes too long. We are talking about a weak .22 caliber weapon that usually takes 8+ hits to kill a target that has light clothes. I feel that the gun should pump faster, have a higher capacity, and take a little bit longer to reload. 12 bullets sounds a lot more balanced to me, especially since it’s generally weak. I feel like having a higher capacity can make the gun a little bit more valuable. ____________________________________________________________________________ 18.) Zombie Fixes: A.) Zombies should take a few minutes to spawn after dying. I am tired of killing zombies and then having new ones appear too fast. I don’t mind if there are a bunch of zombies at once, I am just tired of having everything be an inconvenience. B.) Zombies with clothes or items should be lootable when killed. Maybe if you get rags off of a zombie, if it’s damaged, you have to use disinfectant on it. It’s a big disappointment and immersion breaker to have a cool looking zombie attack me, but then not being able to grab items from it. Adding this can freshen the game and make it worthwhile. It can give players more of a reason to fight army zombies to get bullets and other supplies or do other things. C.) If a gunshot is fired from a house where zombies are next to, they can hit open the door and run up to the players inside. If it’s locked, the zombies hit the door a bunch before getting in. I am a little unhappy with how camping in buildings work in this game. If they fire a gun, zombies run towards them and guards their doors for them. I don’t mind at all, but when they start firing and making so much noise, zombies should do something about it, instead of getting in the way of players. ____________________________________________________________________________ 19.) Fix Ambient Sounds: One of the most annoying things in the game, is hearing the sound of players, but finding out it is ambient noise making a ruckus for no reason. There are so many sounds that make it sound 100 percent like players are near that it makes the games audio into a mini-horror movie with a disappointing ending. If I wanted complete silence, then hear loud noises, I would watch The Matrix. The sadder thing is that there is no silence in the game unless you mute it. ____________________________________________________________________________ 20.) Bicycles: I always hated the cars because they lack control, protection, etc. Players should be able to ride bikes to and from places instead of relying on those un-trustable vehicles. They shouldn’t even be rare, just slightly uncommon. Maybe you could also craft a backpack to store some stuff on it. This could also play into the stamina system pretty well. ____________________________________________________________________________ These are just some of the things I wanted to share. I don’t mind strong criticism or replies in the comments. I just dislike when something as simple as 1 + 1 = 2 can result in people arguing 1 + 1 = 3 or other nonsense.
  3. It's a good thing that "bullet resistance" was mentioned lol