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About ippikiki

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. ippikiki

    Cannot zoom out FOV

    I think there was some form of "fog" that was implemented waaaay back in early-May to give everyone an equal FOV.
  2. ippikiki


    It was all fine and dandy in DayZ a few months ago back in late April. Community was nice, small and friendly. I kid you not I walked through Elektro without a care in the world at one point. Then PC Gamer got wind of this mod and began attracting the wrong sort of crowd. What a time it was.
  3. ippikiki

    New Radio Station only for survivors!

    Yeah, as much as I like electronic music, and hate dubstep, it'd be nice if you stuck to more folksy and old tunes. Been listening to the station for about 15 minutes now and it's been a non-stop train of some nice oldies. I'd hate for some dubstep to come crashing in and fuck up the groove. Edit: I'd be happy to send you a few suggestions to put on the playlist sometime.
  4. ippikiki

    ATV for ghillie suit?

    I'll give you a cyanide pill and some rabid animal I caught in a shoebox yesterday. Should be an equal trade.
  5. ippikiki

    zombie aggro X_X

    Increased sounds about right.
  6. ippikiki

    M60E4 legit?

    The game's been around quite awhile, haven't heard of a legit M60E4 in the 3+ months I've played the mod. I suggest running somewhere secluded and drop it right before a server restart.
  7. Back-tracing, server-hoppin' bandits. Better call the cyber police on em' SP00KEH.
  8. ippikiki

    All 3 camps 200km apart raided in 6hours

    Okano. Dear Okano. No matter how many measures you set to make sure your camp is safe as can be. Safe as can be, isn't very safe in DayZ.
  9. ippikiki

    Sick of being Killed for no reason

    There needs to be a section dedicated to ranters.
  10. Why were you waiting in the showers anyways. Couldn't you have picked a safer spot? Y'know. Where server hoppers DON'T tend to use as their hopping grounds. ya dun goofd
  11. ippikiki

    DayZ Public TeamSpeak (512 slots)

    Great community, needs more people to help start it up though.
  12. ippikiki


    I wanna go African Warlord when I snap and go all bandit on people. But it should have HUGE negative humanity impacts.
  13. ippikiki

    How well geared are you?

    I am willing to trade you for that SVD.
  14. You don't always spawn in the ocean when wearing a suit. I've put on a ghillie multiple times and it's never happend to me. Besides that, nice vid.
  15. ippikiki

    Casual Countryside Drive

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYB3QB5LsL8&feature=plcp Bandit, [AG] BrandonL Arabian/Serb Guy, Vladimir Camera man, [AG] Luigi Driver, [AG] Redhawk