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About dayzedpro

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    On the Coast

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  1. dayzedpro

    Status Report - May 8, 2018

    The hipfire crosshair change makes no sense at all. If you want a better crosshair you don't need to look further than to your own other games, like arma 3 which already has an excellent crosshair that doesn't need to bend physics to work. You say your goal is to "reach the state, where it’s nearly impossible to distinguish it from the realistic behaviour of shooting along the direction of a barrel of the gun", in which case there is no reason for the change at all. By simple logic this means that the change won't be as subtle as you say. And with all the problems that comes with the static crosshair, like inertia, this change will have your developers spending an unreasonable amount of time perfecting a system noone asked for. This change is just an overcomplicated hotfix for something that never was an issue in the first place. In other words a big waste of time. Doesn't make sense at all, unless it has to do with the console port, in which case you will lose a lot respect.