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Everything posted by Kexfabriken

  1. Kexfabriken

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Hiding from zombies?? yea now it really starts to look like a proper zombie survival game! :)
  2. Kexfabriken

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    good stuff, let hope we get it quick since zeds hitting you from the other side of a wall is pretty boring ;)
  3. Kexfabriken

    Can not place a tent

    Still doesnt with the latest patch (1.6)
  4. Kexfabriken

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    cant you have option 2 on the front side and option 3 on the backside of the shirt?? would be awesome.
  5. Decided to clean the NE airfield...well. First one ive ever done live commentary one...sound muffled and i mumble and sound pretty retarded but hey can only get better (i hope) haha ;)
  6. Kexfabriken

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    thats what the knife is for...
  7. Kexfabriken

    [Guide] Seeing at night

    Being raised at the countryside i can also say that this kind of night is just retarded, you eyes adapt amazingly and its never pitch black like this.
  8. well yea we all like to be harcore zombie killers only using our pinky to rip a horde to pieces...but its annyoing as hell when your sneaking your way into town just to have a zed spawning right infront of you.... stupid fucking shit, fix this please. yes im mad.
  9. Kexfabriken

    [video] Horde defence.

    nothing fancy, voicecoms in swedish though and need to change around the settings for the recording of voicecoms.
  10. Kexfabriken

    DayZ Screenshot competition winner

    really like the colours of it....or the lack of :)