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About ktait82

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ktait82

    Hotbar issues

    green_mtn_grandbob Thanks for the help.. It worked!!! This has made my DayZ experience a whole lot better. However there is like a 15 sec delay when changing items in the hotbar. Like if I have a gun out and press 4 for instance to change item, it takes like 15 seconds to change. Is this normal?
  2. ktait82

    Hotbar issues

    Ok great thanks i will give that a try. I have tried everything else but whenever i hover an item over the hotbar its seems to register as it going into vicinity. Thanks
  3. ktait82

    Hotbar issues

    And I've tried dragging from all angles. Like I'm right ontop of the hotbar but it highlights vicinity.
  4. ktait82

    Hotbar issues

    Wherever I drag from as soon as I put it over the hotbar box below the in hands it just registers it as putting it in vicinity. It acts like there is no hotbar there..
  5. ktait82

    Hotbar issues

    Ok so this hotbar thing is pissing me off!! Not a good start
  6. ktait82

    Hotbar issues

    Hi there, new player to DayZ, but is anyone else having issues with the hotbar?? I thought it was a simple drag and drop but whenever I hover an item over one of the hotbar boxes, it drops it in the vicinity. Any help would be appreciated Cheers
  7. ktait82

    Hotbar issues

    Hi there, new player to DayZ, but is anyone else having issues with the hotbar?? I thought it was a simple drag and drop but whenever I hover an item over one of the hotbar boxes, it drops it in the vicinity. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers