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About Manlius

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  1. Manlius

    wanting a partner

    your welcome to try out ALL-IN CREW we still need a few more players. Just download muble and we can talk or if you use skype Andreas.Johansson183 port 7262 /Mumble PW is/enforcersauce we always have a blast and play in a fun but still very construktiv way. best regards ALL-IN CREW
  2. Manlius

    wanting a partner

    we are all-increw and we have played thisgame so we know the inside out of it, what wens that we are a very stable clan and can handel evrythingthat should be taking care of. port 7262 /Mumble PW is/enforcersauce join us on mumle we will finde a spot for you ig you got wat it takes or ells we will help you get redy. Best Regards/ ALL-INCREW
  3. We are a clan named ALL-IN CREW send us a mail if you want to join us and we talk over mumble.iP port 7262 /Mumble PW is/enforcersauce We always move forward and knows the game inside and out. allincrew_s@hotmail.com We got 150 members in APB Reloaded and a few in the secret world some, are still joining guild wars. but the main core will stay whit DayZ. so just send us a mail and we will give you all ditails, we are all from 20-25-30-35 in age and very nice friends, that have bean playing whit allot. throw the years and this is what it have become. This is our first video from dayz afther 1 month playtime we bulded a ofroad car we always have a blast, looting was fast. a little long video but jump on 3min. we have done much better videos that we will put out soon. Ps send us an mail you will not regret it. As we are in need of 5 more players we are 6 right now. here is the video/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYba1eZV1Qc hope to hear from you soon .Ds Best Regards/ ALL-INCREW we are in an alliance whit RWR and TD and a few outer clans to.
  4. We are a clan named ALL-IN CREW send us a mail if you want to join us and we talk over mumble.iP port 7262 /Mumble PW is/enforcersauce We always move forward and knows the game inside and out. allincrew_s@hotmail.com We got 150 members in APB Reloaded and a few in the secret world some, are still joining guild wars. but the main core will stay whit DayZ. so just send us a mail and we will give you all ditails, we are all from 20-25-30-35 in age and very nice friends, that have bean playing whit allot. throw the years and this is what it have become. This is our first video from dayz afther 1 month playtime we bulded a ofroad car we always have a blast, looting was fast. a little long video but jump on 3min. we have done much better videos that we will put out soon. Ps send us an mail you will not regret it. As we are in need of 5 more players we are 6 right now. here is the video/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYba1eZV1Qc hope to hear from you soon .Ds Best Regards/ ALL-INCREW we are in an alliance whit RWR and a few outer clans to. Reply Report Edit
  5. Manlius

    Looking for a serious clan

    all-increw@hotmail.com. send email if you are serious, tactical minded, but also want to have fun. Best regards/ ALL-IN CREW We got 2 servers up and runing, Mumble and Ts3 are what we are using at all times.
  6. Manlius

    wen we travel

    We should be abel to drink directly from lakes, same as we can refil water in, but even whit no water bottle we should be able to drink direkt from the lake. Its just normal, if we should need we can put our heades down in a lake and drink directly from it in emergency wen we travel. whold be fun if we can do this.
  7. First of all you should tell us your names and Clan, befor acousing AIC mebers to ban you becouse you killed us in the chopper, you were hacking killed 3 mebers in 2-3sec and you were solo, then our 4th AiC mebers you left to chrash. If you want open letters betwin us then show your face and tell us who you are. AiC mebers cant Admin LU135 so you should get your facts corect, but you and your friend sure teleported to our chopper and destroyed the whoile camp then you are giving out cordinates were we have our camps sites, that is just really wrong you lame fuk, who the hell do you think agreee whit you that you HANG OUT OUR CAMPS LIKE THIS. you should get your shit straigen up befor attacking inesent players, send me a PM and i give you our TS/mumble info i realy want to talk to you. i also know that TD whold never do anything agianst the rulles,but you guy combat loggs wen ever you are aoutnumbered thats just lame arsles and you know that you can get ban for this if you read the server rules. just senhd me a pM and i give you our ts/mumble info so we can talk i am realy looking forward to this. Nemo me impune lacessit
  8. here we go again!!! you really should get your shit together your personal attacks about my age is just a sign of your own Imuture, tho i am 37 years old and i am not crying but you sure are cocky probably becours you dont got the money to spend on your own for a server or two. We buy the game we rent the servers, but we are renting and buying it all for everyon els there is noting you can say to me or any excuse that i will accept, get to work and find away so we can reserve some slots to our friends on our servers. this is my statement and Liquidje chill and get out of my face.
  9. I am also 100% supporting the ideer of reserving slots for players and it should not be any big problem BUT people are making this issue so big that its crazy, we rent servers whit 40-50 slots so whats the problem to make us reserve 10 slots for our friends ?!?!?! But wen anyone hear this they go NO NO NO you dont understand anything its a free mod we should be happy whit it as it is, hey i am making the payments here and its about 50£ and 70£ every month a game server and a dedicated server, so stop crying about us server admins, if we want reserved slots then give us this, whats the problem there are still 30-40 or more slots open for the Commercial of DayZ that they get free from us hosting servers. its crazy i have bean talking to the company were i am renting servers at and they think that DayZ Rocket and there Dev team are totaly out of control becours they make allot of people angry whit there system and all there rules, this ends up whit companies renting out servers get allot and i mean allot of extra work 24/7 i think its time to support the ideer of reserved server slots, even if there are allot of problems to take care of this is up to the devs. its about time that we all rise ouer voice and support echouter in every way. Admin of the ALL-INcrew Servers
  10. Manlius


    well i am trying to point out that its should be up to the servers admins to decide the amont of players' date=' some people want to play whit less then 30-40 people and to pve more then pvp, what you think of this and what you think about the point of the game i dont care about. no one should force people to have 30-40 people playing on a server they have rent them self, in my opinion it should be around 20-30-40-50 etc etc vote for piratbay. [hr'] you dont think that every server is free Commercial for DayZ ? and Rocket and we are paying for it ? i am just saying that there are alot of people that want to finde buggs,exploits, etc etc and not just rush around pvping. vote for piratbay
  11. Manlius


    they cant force us to have 30-40 people on a server you, are paying for your self, even i got my server befor the new rules, but its really stuped for all new servers that are starting up forced to have 30-40 players, its mayhem out there, then everyone is just pvping people cant build up anything and people get mad of hardcore pvpers out there, wen alot of players want to rebuild after the zombis invasion. Rocket should not restrict the new servers to 30-40 players, we pay for the game and servers we provide DayZ Devs whit info about exploits,bugs,map holes, then we run our own servers and they are should let people whit new servers up, to be deciding how many players there should be on there own servers. thank you, its a very good mod and it might even be something we never seen befor.
  12. We have payed for our own server now and will run 1.7.1, but we cant find the patch 1.7.1 to download it. Do anyone know were to finde the patch ? We will be very glad for all help we can get. /Bow
  13. this is a video before the patch members of ALL-IN crew wen we first arrived after a few weeks one of our first scatering missions whit our off-road car then it was possible to move fast and hit a target and stay alive, today its impossible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYba1eZV1Qc Here is a video whit (sacriel42) and his crew, they are among the most hardcore gamers in DayZ but even them think after the patch its gone to far. /Salute and best of luck to thos who still are alive out there from the last weeks.
  14. Manlius

    killer patch hitted DayZ.

    On your point about high grade ammo--I agree. There is no reason for everybody to walk around with rifles and being able to engage players easily up to 500m. Allright take a look at this link and you might understand that its insane whit the new agro they added to Zombis. This is one of the most hardcore gamers out there and even them think its just to much to play the game after Ps i dont know if you are for real, i mean ofcours we should be abel to meet up whit friends, clan members etc etc... after we are dead, on the old patch it always takes around 2-3 houers anyway, to meat up again and we also use to die on the old patch and have to start all over again runing a few houers to get back on track. BUT today its imposebil. whats fun in a game is to interacting whit outer players in the game to comunicate, and support echoters not just stay as a lonewolf, if you want sure goahead, but most people i run in to likes to move in smaler groups becours solo is not always fun 24/7. Tell me one singel person that can carry engin,gaztank,weels,hull,windows,gaz,caros,scrapmeetal and the rest of the parts you need, and carry it all as a singel person and at same time defend and check the tents ? we builded for weeks to get ouer offroad car and ATV completed. We lost evrything afther this killer patch. so yes you need friends in the game to help you out or help echouters to be abel to do everything you want to do, BUT even then you had to struggle as hell, even on old patch sometimes we spended 6 houers in a row person to person if we made a few mistakes and had to start over dead on the shore line we cude spend 6 houers sometimes if we died on the way just to get back up north. Ds /Salute
  15. Manlius

    killer patch hitted DayZ.

    yes i really hope they/Rocket will read your post here DAS1337 you cover almost evrything ;) /Salute