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About Apocalyptos

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    On the Coast

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  1. Apocalyptos

    Can we get a damn answer to the error code: 0x00040031 ???

    Le problème n'est aucunement lié à une connexion internet, discord ou autre chose de farfelue. J'administre plusieurs serveurs et le problème est simplement lié à un mod présent. Contacter l'administrateur du serveur qui vérifie le mod fautif. Bonne journée. ============================================================================ The problem is in no way related to an internet connection, discord or anything crazy. I administer several servers and the problem is simply linked to a mod present. Contact the server administrator who checks the faulty mod. Good day.
  2. Apocalyptos

    Multi Server (Port Error) Weird!

    I have 2 DayZ Server one on game port 2302 (query 2305) and the other on 2402 (query 2405). The problem is one server show port 2302 and the 2nd show 2314. I know we need the rules (+100 ports) for each server on same machine. Is a new update ignore the specific port and apply rules +12 automatically? The error is not on my side it's sure.
  3. Apocalyptos

    Altis to DayZ?

    Would you like Bohemia to import Altis to DayZ? Since they imported Livonia to DayZ, it could easily import Altis.
  4. Apocalyptos

    Stable Update 1.12

    Do not resolve the problem ... The solution remove @CF and all dependency of @CF.
  5. Apocalyptos

    "client contains pbo which is not part of server data"

    This problem occurs when the keys of the mods are not installed. Check your mods and keys again as several creators have changed their keys following this update.