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About D3vilgoat

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    Germany, Hamm

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  1. D3vilgoat

    I need help

    You need too start the server via a .bat file
  2. D3vilgoat

    Connecting failed

    I uploaded my mission file https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtjIyJSPBI3Egsgq8_cbOSS7V3fvoQ
  3. D3vilgoat

    Connecting failed

    You miss a crucial file try too reinstall the server or repair it with steam,
  4. D3vilgoat

    Problem Server

    It can take a while too show up
  5. D3vilgoat


    Everything is inside the mpmission folder. Spawn point settings are in "\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\cfgplayerspawnpoints.xml". Loot Stuff is "\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\cfgrandompresets.xml , \dayzOffline.chernarusplus\cfgspawnabletypes.xml and \dayzOffline.chernarusplus\db\types.xml" The zombie spawn is in "\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\db\globals.xml. The last one i dont found yet but i keep looking. I found a new important thing in "\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\db\events.xml" you can change the spawnrate of every single item , zombie and vehicles.
  6. Did they search with the port. Standart is 2303. So it should look like
  7. No my server shows up for me in the Browser without IP but i run it on an dedicated machine
  8. D3vilgoat

    How to access the database files

    No didnt got access to it yet they are encrypted
  9. Did your friends tryed too connect vie your ip yet, when not its worth a try. Some server doesnt show up in the browser for some reason or it just takes a while too show up.
  10. D3vilgoat

    Attempting to host Namalsk

    I think thats not possible at the moment, because you cant install mod for your client so the server disconnects you. At least thats what Arma 3 servers would do. Did you installed all the .pbo files from the Namalsk mod on your server? I just did a little digging in the server files and you need too define points on the map vie xyz coodinates, so even if you cant connect i think you cant spawn the same is for loot and the buildings in this mod have different class names so nothing will work until we can edit all this so we need access too the mod tools and client modding need too be allowed.