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About Mkoll

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mkoll

    DayZ Stories

    Occasionally, very occasionally, I am a nice person. Or rather, used to be. Was up near Stary Sobor staking the place out with bino's. Suddenly, the Z's in the entire town went apeshit, and manic gunfire erupted. I watched two guys trying to make a fighting retreat to the treeline, one went down, the other clearly ran out of ammo for his AK as he switched to his mak. Let the following be a lesson for anyone who ever even contemplates being nice in this game. I'd had a good day, so against my better judgement, I ran in, guns blazing. Ran to his side, started a creeping advance, double tapping the charging Z's as they came. Used up most of my AK ammo wiping out the remaining Z's and retreated with the survivor to the treeline. We won, we'd taken them all out, the field was literally full of zombie corpses. It was probably the most satisfying thing I'd ever done in DayZ. I said hi, bandaged him, gave him a blood transfusion... It takes a special kind of c**t to empty a magazine into your face after you do all that for him. I generally have a pretty low estimation of the denizens of the internet, but, seriously, a SPECIAL KIND OF C**T. If we ever cross paths in the wilderness, or at a stand, or in a town, and you genuinely don't wish me harm; I'm sorry, but blame the special kind of c**t who made me this way.
  2. Confirmed on the zombies in certain buildings in a weird sort of 'clump', a huge amount of watches to loot, a higher amount of camo uniforms (This doesn't bother me, they're still not exactly common, I hit up all of Elektro, and four other towns and only came across two of them, which I think is very reasonable, and much better than before), the weird zombie flashing thing where it briefly appears and thrashes about, then lies back down again, and a total lack of food or drink. The only drinks I managed to find were super rare drops off Z's. I literally had to kill over 60 to get one can of coke, my water symbol was flashing dangerously red when it finally dropped. I'm just glad there were no players near the town I was shooting up, and that there seemed to be a metric ton of Enfield ammo lying around xD The two buildings I saw clumped, indoor zombies were the barn just north of Topolka Dam, and also in the main red building in Pusta. In a few other central settlements I saw zombies trapped inside closed off outhouses and dog kennels (The latter I found somewhat amusing). I had a couple of slowdowns, and two different servers I've been on tonight crashed (But I don't know if that's related to the patch), but other than that my game didn't seem drastically slower than usual; still quite playable. All in all, if you could adjust the loot tables back to how they were, or more or less anyway, and fix the manic zombie clumping thing, that'd be golden. Whilst crawling, I found the Z's to be quite dense and avoidable, it was as soon as I got up into a crouch that they seemed to ping me on their radar (From a rather terrifying distance, I might add). Looting towns and such is still doable, it just takes a lot of patience, and more importantly, a long time, and it's a hell of a lot riskier as a result. Also, I quite like this whole 'not starting with a gun' thing, but if you could put an empty water bottle in the starting inventory, it'd be great. Still keeps that dangerous, 'Stranded and desperate' feeling going when you start out, but at least enables us to consume liquid without having to kill a legion of Z's for a can of soda. Thanks guys, and keep up the good work. Still an amazing mod, I just daren't go back on until there's liquid available, my guy might die when I log back in as it is ^_^