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Me uno a la causa, por favor, que la gente como nosotros de esta parte del mundo, estaríamos agradecidos .. saludos
nicocopertari started following Editar pbo sin error., .bat + Automatic Mod Update + Automatic Storage backup-log ( + Clean logs ) Date and Time, How can i fix this!? and and 1 other
.bat + Automatic Mod Update + Automatic Storage backup-log ( + Clean logs ) Date and Time
nicocopertari posted a topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
@echo off TITLE DayZ .:Eve:. El Viejo Escuadron COLOR 0A :: Variables:: ::SteamCMD.exe path ::DayZServer_64.exe path set DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION="C:\Server" ::Bec.exe path set BEC_LOCATION="C:\Server\battleye\Bec" :::::::::::::: ::borrado de archivos set Archivos="C:\Server\PERFILES" echo Legio goto chequeoSV pause :chequeoSV tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq DayZServer_x64.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "DayZServer_x64.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto checkbec cls echo .:EvE:. esta off, repasando tareas. timeout 2 >nul cls echo .:EvE:. esta off, repasando tareas.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo .:EvE:. esta off, repasando tareas... timeout 1 >nul goto copiadolog :checkbec tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Bec.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "Bec.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto loopsv cls echo Bec no esta funcionando, ya lo Activo.. goto startbec :loopsv FOR /L %%s IN (25,-1,0) DO ( cls echo .:EvE:. esta corriendo. Proximo chequeo en %%s segundos.. timeout 1 >nul ) goto chequeoSV :killsv taskkill /f /im Bec.exe taskkill /f /im DayZServer_x64.exe goto startsv :startsv cls echo Levantando .:EvE:. DayZ. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Levantando .:EvE:. DayZ.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Levantando .:EvE:. DayZ... cd "%DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION%" start "" "DZSALModServer" -instanceId=1 -config=serverDZ.cfg -profiles=C:\Server\PERFILES -port=7313 -cpuCount=2 -FilePatching -dologs -BEpath=C:\Server\battleye -adminlog -freezecheck -netLog -servermod=@KillFeed;@UnlimitedStamina;@NoSprintingZombies -mod=@Airdrop;@BaseBuildingLogs;@BaseFurnitureMod;@BuildAnywhere;@BuilderItems;@CF;@CodeLock;@DayZ-Expansion-Chat;@DayZ-Expansion-Notifications;@DisableBaseDestruction;@Ear-Plugs;@EasyMap;@GoreZ;@MasssManyItemOverhaul;@MunghardsItempack;@NoShoeDamage;@OPBaseItems;@PartyMe;@SkinInfected;@Trader;@WeaponReduxPack;@WindstridesClothingPack;@ZomBerryAdminTools FOR /L %%s IN (15,-1,0) DO ( cls echo Levantando .:EvE:. DayZ, espere %%s segundos para iniciar BEC.. timeout 1 >nul ) goto startbec :startbec cls echo Levantando Bec. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Levantando Bec.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Levantando Bec... timeout 1 >nul cd "%BEC_LOCATION%" start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc goto chequeoSV :copiadolog cls echo Comenzando copiado de log. timeout 2 >nul set fecha=%date% set fecha=%fecha:/=% SET Orig=C:\Server\PERFILES SET Dest=D:\BK seguridad DayZ\Logs\%fecha%h%Time:~0,2%min%Time:~3,2% MKDIR "%Dest%" XCOPY "%Orig%\*.*" "%Dest%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y /a cls echo Copiado de log Terminado. timeout 2 >nul goto copiastorage :copiastorage cls echo Comenzando copiado de storage_1. timeout 2 >nul set fecha=%date% set fecha=%fecha:/=% SET Orig=C:\Server\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1 SET Dest=D:\BK seguridad DayZ\storage_1\%fecha%h%Time:~0,2%min%Time:~3,2% MKDIR "%Dest%" XCOPY "%Orig%\*.*" "%Dest%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y /a cls echo Copiado de log Terminado. timeout 2 >nul goto Borrado :Borrado cls echo Comenzando borrado. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Comenzando borrado.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Comenzando borrado... timeout 1 >nul cd "%Archivos%" cls echo haciendo borrado de archivos ADM. timeout 1 >nul cls echo haciendo borrado de archivos ADM.. timeout 1 >nul Del /s /f /q *.ADM cls echo haciendo borrado de archivos ADM... timeout 1 >nul cd "%Archivos%" cls echo haciendo borrado de archivos RPT. timeout 1 >nul cls echo haciendo borrado de archivos RPT.. timeout 1 >nul Del /s /f /q *.RPT cls echo haciendo borrado de archivos RPT... timeout 1 >nul cd "%Archivos%" cls echo haciendo borrado de archivos LOG. timeout 1 >nul cls echo haciendo borrado de archivos LOG.. timeout 1 >nul Del /s /f /q *.log cls echo haciendo borrado de archivos LOG... timeout 1 >nul C:\Server\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1 cls echo borrando Carpetas. timeout 1 >nul cls rd /s /q "C:\Server\PERFILES\Users" echo borrando Carpetas.. timeout 1 >nul rd /s /q "C:\Server\PERFILES\LogArchives" rd /s /q "C:\Server\PERFILES\DataCache" cls echo borrando Carpetas... timeout 1 >nul cls echo Borrado terminado timeout 4 >nul cls echo By LegioArg. timeout 1 >nul cls echo By LegioArg.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo By LegioArg... timeout 1 >nul goto actualizacionmod :: COPIA ACTUALIZACION MOD :actualizacionmod rem @Airdrop set borra=C:\Server\@Airdrop set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@Airdrop set pega=C:\Server\@Airdrop RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @Base Furniture Mods 2.0 set borra=C:\Server\@Base Furniture Mods 2.0 set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@Base Furniture Mods 2.0 set pega=C:\Server\BaseFurnitureMod RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @BaseBuildingLogs set borra=C:\Server\@BaseBuildingLogs set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@BaseBuildingLogs set pega=C:\Server\@BaseBuildingLogs RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @BuildAnywhere set borra=C:\Server\@BuildAnywhere set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@BuildAnywhere set pega=C:\Server\@BuildAnywhere RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @BuilderItems set borra=C:\Server\@BuilderItems set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@BuilderItems set pega=C:\Server\@BuilderItems RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @CF set borra=C:\Server\@CF set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@CF set pega=C:\Server\@CF RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @Code Lock set borra=C:\Server\@Code Lock set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@Code Lock set pega=C:\Server\@CodeLock RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @DayZ-Expansion-Chat set borra=C:\Server\@DayZ-Expansion-Chat set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@DayZ-Expansion-Chat set pega=C:\Server\@DayZ-Expansion-Chat RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @DayZ-Expansion-Notifications set borra=C:\Server\@DayZ-Expansion-Notifications set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@DayZ-Expansion-Notifications set pega=C:\Server\@DayZ-Expansion-Notifications RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @DisableBaseDestruction set borra=C:\Server\@DisableBaseDestruction set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@DisableBaseDestruction set pega=C:\Server\@DisableBaseDestruction RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @Ear-Plugs set borra=C:\Server\@Ear-Plugs set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@Ear-Plugs set pega=C:\Server\@Ear-Plugs RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @Easy Map set borra=C:\Server\@Easy Map set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@Easy Map set pega=C:\Server\@EasyMap RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @GoreZ set borra=C:\Server\@GoreZ set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@GoreZ set pega=C:\Server\@GoreZ RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @KillFeed set borra=C:\Server\@KillFeed set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@KillFeed set pega=C:\Server\@KillFeed RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @Mass'sManyItemOverhaul set borra=C:\Server\@Mass'sManyItemOverhaul set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@Mass'sManyItemOverhaul set pega=C:\Server\@MasssManyItemOverhaul RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @MunghardsItempack set borra=C:\Server\@MunghardsItempack set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@MunghardsItempack set pega=C:\Server\@MunghardsItempack RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @No Shoe Damage set borra=C:\Server\@No Shoe Damage set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@No Shoe Damage set pega=C:\Server\@NoShoeDamage RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @No Sprinting Zombies set borra=C:\Server\@No Sprinting Zombies set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@No Sprinting Zombies set pega=C:\Server\@NoSprintingZombies RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @OP_BaseItems set borra=C:\Server\@OP_BaseItems set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@OP_BaseItems set pega=C:\Server\@OPBaseItems RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @PartyMe set borra=C:\Server\@PartyMe set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@PartyMe set pega=C:\Server\@PartyMe RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @SkinInfected set borra=C:\Server\@SkinInfected set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@SkinInfected set pega=C:\Server\@SkinInfected RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @Trader set borra=C:\Server\@Trader set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@Trader set pega=C:\Server\@Trader RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @Unlimited Stamina set borra=C:\Server\@Unlimited Stamina set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@Unlimited Stamina set pega=C:\Server\@UnlimitedStamina RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @WeaponReduxPack set borra=C:\Server\@WeaponReduxPack set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@WeaponReduxPack set pega=C:\Server\@WeaponReduxPack RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @WindstridesClothingPack set borra=C:\Server\@WindstridesClothingPack set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@WindstridesClothingPack set pega=C:\Server\@WindstridesClothingPack RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y rem @ZomBerry Admin Tools set borra=C:\Server\@ZomBerry Admin Tools set copia=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@ZomBerry Admin Tools set pega=C:\Server\@ZomBerryAdminTools RD /s /q "%borra%" > nul 2>&1 XCOPY "%copia%\*.*" "%pega%\*.*" /v /e /f /h /y goto killsv -
Video I would appreciate your help !?
Hi, you can run it without the same .exe ..
I was watching what happens in this chat, for a long time and I was thinking if you could filter verifySignatures, for example: verifySignatures 2 or 3, but verifySignatures can bypass x mod, following ex: verifySignatures lets you connect without any mod or just with the mod COT and cf .. is it possible? but only with mod cleared up in verifySignatures
Cómo se pronuncia Someone published a way to do a selfbackup, in which I think I delete it, I would like if anyone has it on hand, or if you want to give me a hand to achieve it I would appreciate ... thank you very much .. Then I leave the link of this forum that was published, greetings. forums.dayz.com/topic/ 239924-dayz-database-auto-backup/
Hello people, I already have the bec working and autoreinicio, within bec I have the option of ready bars such as: WhiteList, Be Bans.txt, Admins, BadNames, Badwords, of which I don't know what function each one fulfills, but the What else is the WhiteList, how do I make it work? and the other is how I make BattleWarden let me start, since bec connects correctly I think it should let me connect right? thanks for your help.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hola gente, ya tengo el bec funcionando y autoreinicio, dentro de bec tengo la opcion de barias listas como por ejemplo: WhiteList, Be Bans.txt, Admins, BadNames, Badwords, de los cuales no se que funcion cumple cada una, pero la que mas me interza es la WhiteList, como la hago funcionar? y lo otro es como hago para que BattleWarden me deje iniciar, ya que bec conecta correctamente creo que me deberia dejar conectar verdad? gracias por su ayuda..
E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\battleye BEServer_x64.cfg RConPassword xxxxx RConPort 2306 RConIP xxxxxxx RestrictRCon 0
y no puedo conectar Battle Warden, tengo todo lo que me pedis esta todo hecho..
Hola, ese comando anula la lluvia, o solo saca la neblina?
Mati mañana me dijo y te comento pero reo q esta todo bien..
Hola Mati, no estoy pudiendo conectar, tengo cfg al puerto 2306 con la contraseña y RestrictRCon 0, pero no me deja conectar.. Ya intente con muchos aliplaciones de administrador..
Ha gente buenas noches, estoy tratando de editar pbo o en realidad darle mas dureza a las paredes de construcción y candados, estuve viendo q hay algo de esto en las guiones pero cuando editó y guardo. Avísame tira error inicio del servidor y otro tanto, no me deja conectarme con el cliente .. Quisiera q podría hacer lo mismo que con killfeed q esta en - servermod, cualquiera pudo lograr algo similar! Desde ya gracias ..
Hola Mati, gracias nuevamente por tomarte el tiempo, en Argentina, pero tengo los archivos del server en en la nuve, drive. Y lo subo cuando me po go a modificar pruebo reinicio y así sucesivamente
nicocopertari started following Aussie Cleetus
Mati, y lo que me pasaste es fantasco, al personaje ya le monte cuchillo y lo items basicos, ahora lo que me queda seria sacar la niebla o humo del mapa, saber como aumentar los animales, ya que puse spawn nuevos pero no aparecen, y poder conectarme con un administrador para ver el chat y enviar mensajes atravez de alguna interfaz conectada con ip rconport y demás.. Tengo RCD (creo q se llama así) si me podes responderme te lo agradecería..