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About greyfoxzb@gmail.com

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  1. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    the only place vehicles are found should not consist of the edges of the map that's fucking stupid. I'm in the middle of fraps-ing myself running from the spawn to a noted vehicle spawn on the map and then from the spawn to the nearest city. its fucking redic the time it takes to travel without wheels. They need to reduce save time, they need to kill everyone off the grid and de-spawn all vehicles off the grid. For sure they need to at least make bicycles spawn in many more places or be able to craft them.
  2. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    @DayZ [New Buildings with new functionality]

    perhaps there could be more boat docks/boat refuel stations to allow more boat travel.
  3. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    @DayZ [Suggestions, Fixes and Important Changes] Must Read

    you should be able to maintain weapons/cars/items to slow down the degrade yea. ( replace match box though )
  4. Police Station: functionality= Small arms and ammo, bullet proof vests, radio/receiver equipment, Geiger counter( if radiation or something is ever in dayZ ) Radio Towers: Functionality= ability to transmit broadcasts to anyone with radio/receiver equipment spawns radio/receiver equipment, industrial parts. ( the broadcast would hopefully be in text format with a max number of broadcasts per x amount of time.) A new hospital would be nice, since these ones are bugged , zombies cannot get inside and are just crap really. Workshop/ChopShop/MachineShop: Functionality= place to work on vehicles/build vehicles/bicycles ( provided you have all the metal, vehicle parts etc, pvp hotspot) Farm with crops that can be eaten if cleaned. More opened houses, most buildings in cities are closed ( not boarded up or anything just non usable because of its model.) ( might be an opportunity to make sleep animation and sleep function with a need for sleep.)
  5. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    @DayZ [Suggestions, Fixes and Important Changes] Must Read

    15) Add a Kill zone if you leave the main area of the game like in battlefield series. ( warning you are wandering to far from your chance of rescue you will die in 20 seconds beep beep. ) 16) Add Item/Weapon/Vehicle Degradation ( weapons jam/break after to much use, items like matches run out, etc, vehicles lose hull or engine after x amount of time used etc )
  6. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

  7. Besides first getting rid of people nuking and killing entire server populations... make it so if you are moving in the debug forest you get teleported out. ( or make everyone in debug forest non kill-able ) I will label these with numbers so people can discuss them easier. 1) Lets get rid of night vision goggles and thermal scopes - why: they are not good for this game, it's better we use flares/Chem-lights/Flashlights. 2) Fix the Day and night Cycle: what to fix? - First of all, The day and night cycle is not fully synced to all clients, and may of times it is day to one person but pitch dark to another. 3) Another thing is the duration of the current cycle, it needs to be sped up, we need maybe 5-8 hours of light and 2-3 of dark. something to give us balanced playtime of the cycle and not the current too long of a cycle. 4) Change the de-spawn timer on saved vehicles to 24-48 hours. Add in more vehicles, add in more bicycles, perhaps add in the ability to craft a bicycle. ( Make use of the scrap metal, and toolbox see my other thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19541 ) 5) Tweak Zombies to break legs less often, Make different tiers of zombies do more damage and have different habits.(by the way loving the new zombie field of vision.) 6) Add in NPCs that use guns ( this could range from npc survivors, raiders, bandits, even military officers securing a FEMA style camp or the airports themselves. ( arma offers the editor which makes it very easy to setup scenes for all of these and can be tweaked to balance.) 7) Make Loot Spawns that consist of nothing but whiskey bottles and empty cans to re-spawn on the normal loot spawn cycle. 8) Remove Helicopter radar ( Tested it out for myself, wow this makes vehicles way to easy to find and ruins this game! Remove the Radar, or remove helicopters for now until radar is removed! ) 9) Add More random events, ( similar to helo crashes, can be anything ranging from shipwrecks, a helicopter flying thru the air and you see it o down and crash and spawn a helicopter crash site its definitely possible in the editor and scripting it as a chance to go off is possible. etc bandit npcs attacking you etc. ) 10) If possible make it so you cannot rapid fire pistols and snipers etc they can shoot really fast and stay decently accurate, too accurate for rapid fire. 11) Add an option on ATV/ motorbike to Flip them over. 12) FIX THIS! There is a bug with the M19 side arm and the Revolver Side Arm that when combining ammo it will refill the entire clip once it combines it to the different ammo type, making it an infinite ammo side arm provided you reload with 1 bullet left in your clip then combine the ammo twice. 13) Add more Drop when shooting sniper rifles. and possibly make them louder/agro more zombies. 14) Add more incentives/benefits to not kill people , as it is if you see someone your best option is to kill them as it increases your survival time. I have more but I'm gonna add them later I'm tired. will edit and reply as we go. ~MrFixit
  8. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    @ Ichor/Bass On the topic of realism: Is it realistic that someone in this "zombie survival game" can haul an engine that weighs much more then you do by himself cross country to then replace it into any vehicle make or model and also be able to repair hull damage with scraps, put on new wheels and the like? No its not but its a game and games aren't realistic they are made with set realities that fit the game simulation to make it fun. and on this topic, get rid of radar ( if its in the game ) to find vehicles, get rid of night vision goggles. on the Topic of my ability to craft a car/truck or even something as simple as a bicycle: I have made working buggies. I have rebuilt atc's and I think if I was a game character that could run cross country and pickup a toolbox put an engine in my backpack and carry it all the way back to a broken down car, I could find a way to make a simple bike, or buggy. Edit: interesting pic http://i.imgur.com/AzEDE.jpg this is why there are no vehicles on most servers.
  9. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    so then people hide them barely within the boundaries. they still will sit there for weeks and no new vehicles will be on the map. As it is now there are no more vehicles to find or fix. and I think even someone like me, who doesn't even have his degree yet, would be able to figure out how to turn metal tubes and some wheels into a working bike. ( seeing as the tools needed to do complex things like install a new engine or put a new windshield are in the game already. I think my character could handle it since he already has the tools to do things like this. ) Rocket could add a rare part needed to make the bikes to make them more rare to craft, like the bike sprockets/chain if that would make you super hardcore guys happier tho I have a feeling you just like the fact you already are hording the vehicles and like shooting unarmed people to get reactions.
  10. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    A 1 person seat bicycle is not the same as a atv, car, truck, helicopter, personal carrier, boat, and all the other vehicles on cherno. Just because someone else took the time to find wheels scrap metal ( which is pretty rare to find scrap metal ) and a toolbox and make a bike you think that its gonna suck? your argument is invalid. If I could take the time to go thru a dangerous town like cherno and find 2 wheels 2 scrap metal and a toolbox and manage to get out alive and construct a makeshift bike, I should be able to do so. and if someone else does it and I want to gank them and take their hard earned bike I can do that too. it takes a decent amount of time to make a bike, this game is full of assholes who kill you even tho you don't have any weapons, not everyone will make a bike, but one thing is for sure you will see more shit vehicles around if they make it so we can craft bikes and they shorten the de-spawn time to 24 hours or so. They need to shorten the timer to 24 hours, you shouldn't have 6 vehicles at your camp if your not playing for 48 hours. Go get your experience again of finding and fixing one.
  11. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    I'm gonna keep replying until there are more vehicles and ways to get vehicles if only bikes/motor bikes. @ Dick you must not play on full servers.
  12. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    Broken legs mechanic is...broken.

    I can get hit by any zombie any time, just 1 time, its guaranteed to make me break a leg and bleed. needs to make so when your under x amount of blood then you can break legs/bleed more often, not 99% chance.
  13. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    bump - need rocket to see this.
  14. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    Bumping this thread its geting drowned out and I would really like more opinions on this, I think its something that is vastly needed in the game. EDIT: Changed the OP to vehicle not saved in 24 hr its despawned. @ Drick When someone grabs a vehicle then saves it in the wilderness for 6 days then hops on then saves it for another 6 days it creates serverwide shortages of vehicles. and we also see shit like this below - 3 people 5-6 vehicles problem. In order to stop shit like this you should have to save your vehicles once per day in order to keep it, else it de-spawns, we should be able to craft bicycles, upgrade to motorbikes. and I am tempted to say let us also build other vehicles too, junker cars with 4 seats. add more material cost that is logical to build one, we already have auto glass, scrap metal, fuel tank parts, engine parts, wheels, and more, let us craft vehicles and make cars de-spawn after 24 hours of no saves.
  15. greyfoxzb@gmail.com

    No Vehicles on Servers: Heres the fix

    Problem 1: Vehicles/their spawns The main problem causing no vehicles on the map is the RADAR ON THE HELICOPTERS, REMOVE IT PLEASE. Vehicles in DayZ are now out of map zones/saved to someone offline etc. So there is now no vehicles spawned hardly anywhere on most full servers. This takes away the want to go to other towns to search for vehicles since hey I'm on foot for 4 hours running to a town to fin there are no vehicles to fix then die. Solution: De-spawn Timer 24 hr, Crafting Vehicles Vehicles need to be de-spawned after 24 hours of not being saved. This will clean up servers of ditched vehicles that are saved in no-mans land. Toolbox is needed to start the crafting process by right-clicking on the toolbox you can select a range of crafting options, the most basic is crafting a bicycle , which can then be upgraded to a motor bike etc. ( with adding more materials and items of course ) Example: Problem 2: Player Spawns / loot spawns Also the spawns are mainly in the kameko, cherno, electro areas, this makes for alot of people dieing, no loot to be spawn in those areas and more dieing with no gear. Solution: Add Item to place beacon( spawn location) This item can be place on the world much like the tent it too has placing requirements that must be met before you can place it, it is saved you alone and is your re-spawn point, once used the ITEM IS DESTROYED you must get a new one. It can also be demolished by your enemies. I really feel all this scrap metal, tires, cans, fuel parts and all this stuff isn't getting used and this would be an extremely fun way to do this.