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About didius

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  1. didius

    Wait for host

    Okay. So my friend kept bugging me. You need to go back to the previous beta version. This worked for me. It is 94876
  2. didius

    Wait for host

    Getting this same problem on all servers after I got the new hotfix and new beta patch.
  3. didius

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    This happened to me today. My friend and I were in the wilderness by a deer hut. We both opened up on this guy who obviously had good stuff. Saw blood hits all over and he fell to ground and he must of disconnected cause no corpse. The only encounter in 4 hrs and he disconnects and we get nothing.
  4. didius

    The shock status and zombies

    Shock is one of those things that I hate the most. I am always told games should not take away 100% of control from the player. I think this needs to be addressed. Maybe it is bugged and that's why sometimes you die in one hit but still some other mechanic for this would be better.
  5. I have died from invisible people a few times today. It is driving me crazy. Also there was lots of fun action in cherno and than the whole place lit up in bombs every died and people just left server. Hackers be ruining the fun.
  6. I have noticed this with new patch and it is highly annoying. I am not sure it is from people suicide after dieing. When I kill people there body disappears most of the time too fast to loot. Also flies hang around when no bodies. Highly annoying. Please fix. Thanks.
  7. Is that what it is? It is the most annoying thing in the game.
  8. Even if you do all that your character might just randomly panic and you will die. Game mechanics that take away 100% control of character are annoying.
  9. didius

    Praise for

    I have been looking at this hour glass panic thing for over 5min. Panic fix is the only thing I dislike about
  10. So running east worked for me as some people has suggested. It just takes a while. Update: Running east got me to the main map but my friend and I met up and we could not see each other. we could hear gun shots and the glass of the store we were shooting but could not see each other. We gave up trying to play in hopes a patch may fix this.
  11. I am spawning in the same area. I can't figure out how to get out. I bought the game for a friend and he is having the same problem. Please fix this or tell me how to. Thanks
  12. HAHAHA. I was watching this video being like haha those guys are getting owned. Than I saw you shoot me! I was in the tower with the AK. You hit me, I dropped and the zombies starting feeding on the floor below me. I ended up bandaging and healing and moving on.