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Everything posted by imjoeftw@yahoo.com

  1. xD this is embarrassing but i can't seem to find your server. Would you mind PMing me? I'd greatly appreciate it.
  2. imjoeftw@yahoo.com

    [H] M249 SAW, L85A2 AWS, PDW-SD, More [W] SVD Camo

    how is it hacked? i found one not too long ago in a barracks near an airfield. I used m9 SD mags with it and it worked perfectly.
  3. imjoeftw@yahoo.com

    [H] M249 SAW, L85A2 AWS, PDW-SD, More [W] SVD Camo

    use m9 SD mags, should work.
  4. imjoeftw@yahoo.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    If its not too much, can bullets be compatible with other guns in the future? I mean I cant use 8rnd. M1014 rounds for a double barrel, even though they're both 12 gauge. Also, it would be nice if I could strip the bullets off of the m240/m249 belts and use them for other guns :/ Other than Ammo problems, the mod is great and I really enjoy it!
  5. imjoeftw@yahoo.com

    Not sure how to survive in this game

    dont run, press x or z to crouch/prone and hold shift to walk and that will help avoid zombies, also avoid other players, most are shoot on sight.
  6. imjoeftw@yahoo.com

    I cannot pick up backpacks, only drop them

    i just mousewheel over it and get the option (Take backpack). i had the same problem as you yesterday until i accidently mousewheeled over a czech backpack today, later found an alice one. Hope your issue is solved!
  7. imjoeftw@yahoo.com

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I appreciate your never-ending work on this mod, Rocket.