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Everything posted by Jealle

  1. Jealle

    LU16 - where is it?

    k, admin back, server should be back up and running normally Shortly
  2. Jealle

    LU16 - where is it?

    seems to be down atm doc, sent a msg to the guy that has the admin atm, but he wont be on till later, will aim to get it back up asap, sorry bout that. I Will repost once i hear back with news.
  3. Jealle

    Tents vehicle disappearing

    ok so server admin rebooted server, all vehicles/tents respawned with the previous gear in and locations
  4. Jealle

    Tents vehicle disappearing

    Same for everyone on lu16, just gotta hope its like the poster said before me, the hive is down and when back up the stuff with reapear
  5. would be good to make molovtov's using the wisky botels, and matches
  6. Jealle

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Fixed, ran east