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About --Rusty--

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  1. --Rusty--

    DayZ Short Film

    That was a good watch Played really well with Johnny Cash and that sidestep on "Ozzy" when he pulled that rifle on you^^ smart play and shows to always keep savy even with other players you befriend.. nice work
  2. --Rusty--

    Is this a Bug? Play offline?

    Last couple of days iv been playing in offline (especially when server's are down) and online, for someone like myself usually going in "lonewolf" offline mode is great! Its running super smooth and although i was suprised to respawn without the gear i collected its helping to familiarize more with locations of the map and the mechanics ect as its been a while since i played. I know alot has still to be implemented im looking foward to learning more crafting aspects & if there is ever any plans to make some kind of offline missions or scinarios that would be hellova fun.. So alot to look foward to with upcoming updates, especially modding
  3. --Rusty--

    Climb on trees?

    Could be a thing with more mod support
  4. --Rusty--

    DayZ Modding

    Looking foward to it
  5. --Rusty--

    With BETA comes modding

    Hey new to this forum and also to standalone but not towards gaming and modding in general, Totally agree with everything @Yuval just mentioned.. I can understand that that alot of folk may see modding in a sense of it would bring so more crap with quantity over quality which is the case for so many modable games these days and probably always will be... because everyone has there own opinion and any content creator should always be proud of the work they put into there stuff (but also always take on constructive critz and strive for better) But having the game moddable or a workshop wouldnt exactly mean everything made/modded would be added in game ovc, but then that itself brings up the scenario of how the devs take that into account.. maybe something like a dev/community voting system where content being added into the vanila game but then that also (Could) create another scinario of micro transactions ect.. (do folk want to go there)?.. or even keeping that for custom servers?... from my own opinion, I feel any game that has modding support (and from a buisness perspective) always become popular and last longer for the simple fact that, folk love to create!.. and what better feeling for any modder to have there stuff hand picked by devs or loved by many to be added into the game hell may even open up opportunitys for modders (caugh...Player unknown..caugh) with all that said.. the devs on standalone seem to have been making/showing alot more progress with the standalone game recently and from ground up (+ still in WIP) .. im looking foward to seeing progress and what will become..
  6. --Rusty--

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey folks jst introducing myself to the forum... After years of keeping an eye on dayz and from playing the old arma2 mod i finaly got myself the standalone game yesterday and enjoying everybit of it so far.. i know this probably isnt the best place to ask but anyone know if there is any plans (in the future) for a workshop or modding?