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[ltac] imperator

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Everything posted by [ltac] imperator

  1. [ltac] imperator

    DayZ is TOO EASY!

    I take it you meant Threat. and a-lot is not a word. alot is also not a word. a lot is two words. hell-alot is also not a word. That being said, Alpha. That is all.
  2. [ltac] imperator

    Body Armor

    Going back to my old post and people stating in a very binary way of thinking (This option or this option) lets keep this close to realism as possible: nce we are all realism nuts to at least some degree here is what different Plates (Level I, IIA, II, IIIA, III, and IV) protect people from IRL. Level I: .22 Calibre Long Rifle and Pistol Rounds, and .38 Calibre Pistol Rounds. Level IIA: 9mm and lower rounds and .357 Magnum Rounds Level II: Same Calibres as IIA, however can deal with higher velocity rounds better (Different bullets have different grains of gunpowder loads, making them move faster out of the barrel of a gun). Level IIIA: Protects the user from 9mm, .44 and .44 Magnum Rounds Level III: Hard Plate with Soft TraumaPlate behind, this plate must protect the user from 6 shots from a 7.62mmx51mm Ball Round. This is the beginning of serious military and police hardware. Level IV: Same as level III but must also protect the user from one Armor Piercing Round (30.06 Round).
  3. [ltac] imperator

    Server admins stealing GUIDs for spoofing

    First of all. No they didnt. Alot of people got on the Arma 2 Train before DayZ came out and many are trying Arma2 out and enjoying it because they purchased it becase a mod simply happened to be on this engine. Rocket may be employed at the moment by BIS, and there may be a lot of outpouring of support for it from BIS, but this is NOT a BIS Project. They have people working on this regularly and are working on fixes for the game, taking time away from Arma 3 Development, as well as the many iterations of their engines, including large government contracts around Viritual Battlefield Simulator 2. Due to its origins as a Battlefield Simulator used by soldiers, and professionals who have no inclination to hack, nor the need to, the engine has started and still remains to be very trusting. Yes, this needs to be fixed, who's gonna pay for the new employees? whos gonna support new development cycles for something that very well could be fad? Software development is expensive and while you all imagine piles of money and alot of lazy employees sitting around with their hands up their collective asses, these guys are working on an entirely new iteration of the engine DayZ is built on, fine tuning it and making it as good as possible for commercial release. You paid for a game to get a mod, there are crappy aspects to that game due to hackers, this will be fixed? When? Maybe not today, maybe not tommorrow, but sometime. Until then keep providing valuable feedback to the development team, and stop demanding something because you paid money. You got what you paid for, a fully working battlefield simulator with a few bugs. It just so happens DayZ runs on it too.
  4. [ltac] imperator

    Pending Update: Build

    Regarding the logging system, are you going to be tracking Shift + P, Battle-eye Kicks the player from the server, causing an alt-f4 like drop off the server, as I've ran into this tactic more than a few times, and its quite frustrating.
  5. [ltac] imperator

    High Level Gameplay

    I've been considering how much I love starting a new character, each death always hurts but I am always intrigued by what i'm going to find around the next corner with a new life that it makes the game that much more interesting for me. I can tell you what I find boring at the moment, high level play, you have a vehicle, you have weapons, you have a ghillie suit. You set right? Well not quite, its quite easy to die even with this gear. My Proposal is this: Randomly Generated Missions started by reading journals or seeing something. Reason: To provide high level players, with reasons to go out of their way with their high tech gear to challenge themselves and procure very unique loot/items. Example: Oil Rig off the coast of Chernarus After Clearing and searching the rig you find a journal detailing the harrowing journey two people planned to find safety in Chernarus. You get really good loot from this , but the best is hinted at in the journal. Then this spawns somewhere remote on the map, and rather hidden a randomly generated camp, with two tents, a burnt out fire and two corpses and 5-10 zombies, the grid reference on the map (not GPS) but big Map is given and the players now need to transport themselves and search this grid reference, clear the zombies and then get their prize. This prize should be something to build society back up in Chernarus, maybe a mobile generator, a large medical style tent that is placeable, guard tower that is constructible. This allows bandits to build their own camp/raiding base, and survivors to build small settlements. Which of course are all damagable. Include Satchel Charges, and one Raider finds this new settlement... uh oh! Boom. There goes the generators and now every zombie from 15 kilometers has heard the blast. here they come to investigate. Never mind the threat of wandering mobs of zombies (when and if they are implemented) This would provide a really enjoyable, yet not comfortable high level game experience. That really makes you want to defend what you've built and work together to create your own haven to feel safe (but not too safe) during the zombie apocalypse. Let me know what you think of my ramblings!
  6. [ltac] imperator

    Body Armor

    About 20 new threads around body armor have popped up, this was one of the originals. People really need to learn how to do a Search on forums. Posting 5 different threads on the same subject is rude, and leads to a lot of clutter!
  7. [ltac] imperator

    Show who killed you

    No. What the hell, are we playing BF3? CoD? If you guys wanna metagame go ahead, run back to Elektro or Cherno or wherever you got yourself killed, find a gun and hunt down the person who killed you. But how would this add to the game?
  8. [ltac] imperator

    Securing bases without imbalancing gameplay

    Yeah, sorry dude, but your gonna get trolled and flamed for this post. Probably called a Carebear more than once. Life is harsh, this isnt a game, its an anti-game. And adding a mechanic to make a player feel that his stuff is 100% secure just doesnt fit in DayZ. Your gonna have to get used to the fact that you die, and sometimes its embarassing, sometimes its epic, thats the awesomeness of this game. Your going to lose your stuff, if you dont wan't to lose it, stay on your server, 24/7 watching your stuff. Take shifts with people across the world to make sure your home camp stays safe. And as stoop_kid said: If its not important enough to carry on you, its not important enough to worry about losing.
  9. [ltac] imperator

    Solution to Aborting Cowards

    Who's the coward? Hes waiting in the shed, go get him before he disconnects. :P
  10. [ltac] imperator

    Remove barbed wire

    Find a Toolbox.
  11. [ltac] imperator

    Burning buildings and car wrecks.

    So story goes like this: After some UNSPECIFIED time period, you find yourself awash on the shore, has the apocalypse been going on a day? a week? a month? a year?!. No to fires unless they are started by players crashing into something explosive.
  12. [ltac] imperator

    Lock/Board up doors

    This is definitely possible, but looking at the ARMA Engine, its gonna require a rethink at how buildings are approached, which means a lot of work. For such a small mechanic in a Zombie Apocalypse Simulator, I say fake it until they can make it, and the mechanic itself actually exists, Barbwire fences.
  13. [ltac] imperator


    BIS is looking at providing an expanded map, with more enterable buildings, more cities, and hopefully more opportunities like Islands for DayZ, its been stated in a few interviews.
  14. [ltac] imperator

    New ammunition and magazine idea

    This isn't really a "new" idea, its been stated before in a few other threads regarding magazine and ammunition dynamics in this game. I don't think that 4 slots is enough for an ammo box, especially if its gonna carry its RL carrying capacity for rounds (have you ever carried one filled with 5.56 Ammo? I have, and its freaking heavy. One of these ammo cans should take up a fair amount of space, say 8 slots. Doesnt matter what type of ammo is in it, just so long as people cant carry 2 cans of 2000 rounds around without having some kind of detriment.
  15. [ltac] imperator

    Hackers RUINING This Game Completely

    DayZ is Alpha. Arma II is built on an engine that is constantly under development.
  16. [ltac] imperator

    Body Armor

    To Everyone saying that this introduces a mechanic that makes it harder for you to die: Im not talking about taking a .50 calibre round to the chest and walking away, getting shot is going to do damage, but it gives you a chance if your attacker doesnt have the best aim, or the right kind of optics to take you out at a distance. I'm not a carebear, im for tactical realism and if I was in a zombie apocalypse I would be wearing this kind of stuff, because you never know what kind of situation your going to run in. Very good points though: 1. Stealth or Armor, not both. 2. Damage (Broken Ribs, Potential Bleeding) needs to happen on impact. 3. Should only spawn in Military areas and be relatively rare. 4. It should stop melee damage to the chest (as thats where your wearing it, nowhere else)
  17. [ltac] imperator

    Body Armor

    Glad to see everyone is liking this idea so far, over my workday I thought up a few ways to balance this, and keep the gameplay fun for everyone. Since we are all realism nuts to at least some degree here is what different Plates (Level I, IIA, II, IIIA, III, and IV) protect people from IRL. Level I: .22 Calibre Long Rifle and Pistol Rounds, and .38 Calibre Pistol Rounds. Level IIA: 9mm and lower rounds and .357 Magnum Rounds Level II: Same Calibres as IIA, however can deal with higher velocity rounds better (Different bullets have different grains of gunpowder loads, making them move faster out of the barrel of a gun). Level IIIA: Protects the user from 9mm, .44 and .44 Magnum Rounds Level III: Hard Plate with Soft TraumaPlate behind, this plate must protect the user from 6 shots from a 7.62mmx51mm Ball Round. This is the beginning of serious military and police hardware. Level IV: Same as level III but must also protect the user from one Armor Piercing Round (30.06 Round). Okay, now we all know what levels do what lets talk about game mechanics: 1. Durability: A Vest should have a durability and when hit by a certain type of round it will degrade that durability based upon the type of bullet and the type of armor. It cannot be repaired again, this is not the way body armor works, when its done.. its done. 2. Rarity: This is not an item every character should be able to find, Note to BIS: Where are the Police Stations in Chernarus??!!?!, we should be able to find this item on military bases, police stations and very very very rarely elsewhere. Its not a superman item, just something to add protection to your "scavenging" runs in the big cities. 3. Balance Mechanics: AS50's, Barrets, Headshots, need i say more? We dont need something to balance these out, we just need them to be rare enough to make them a "OMG OMG OMG OMG BODY ARMOR!!" find :) 4. Weight: The bigger the plates you wear, the slower your going to go.. thats just life. And thats the way we balance out the added strength of having a plate that can stop a few bullets on your chest. Let me know what you guys think. Also as a note to people thinking people will be invincibile wearing body armor, look at any modern war zone and look at how many people come back missing arms, legs and having multiple bullet wounds. When you unload an AK on someone in DayZ your prolly gonna hit them somewhere other than the chest. Besides, aim for the head. It doesnt make you invincible just makes things a little more interesting.
  18. [ltac] imperator

    Body Armor

    Body Armor has different levels and depending on the distance you are engaged from and what level of protection you are wearing (up to Level IV), it can stop at least one shot from a 7.62x39 (AK Variants, etc), multiple shots from a 5.56 (M4, M16, etc), Most handgun rounds and, most shotgun rounds. Why not add it? Would be nice to have a bit of extra protection. I'd want to see the ballistics model done right though. I dont want to have a Level IV and it stop 14 rounds from an AK, I want to take a round to the chest, fall prone and have a broken rib, and if i get shot again, I should die. SoF: Dont speak for others and do your research before you post. Good idea. +1 here.
  19. [ltac] imperator

    SD Ammo Spawning

    Deer Stands have a small chance of dropping SD Ammo separate from the gun, as well as military zombies. I've kept myself supplied with a MP5SD6 by searching those locations. I think the mechanic you are suggesting already exists.
  20. [ltac] imperator

    What's the point in having silenced guns?

    Or If you want to get Really super duper realistic, any gun that uses SD Rounds (Subsonic Rounds) the action should have to be worked manually as most guns (read most, not all) have to be cycled because the pressure from the round going off isnt enough to properly cycle the action meaning that there is an increased likliehood of jams, malfunctions and other wonderful things that are great in the middle of combat. And if your going to allow an SD weapon to shoot super sonic rounds, then lets put a "Condition" indicator on a seperate Silencer item, that has to be found and replaced. In other words: Arma II and its engine can duplicate real life. Do we want that? Do we want to be carrying around ammo tins in our backpack that take up tons of room and weight capacity (which should be implemented if we are going super realistic as well) and individually load different types of rounds into magazines before going into battle? Should we include detachable and fixed suppressors that degrade with each use? What serves gameplay, what is realistic to the point of ridiculousness, and what is fun for all of us, not to the point of degrading the overall vision. Thats all. Imp Out.
  21. 1. Direct Communication Typed Chat should go out to people within 50-100m, providing a bit more warning before players are up in your face. 2. Direct Communication Voice Chat should transmit distance based upon volume of the voice (if this can be done) so you can yell and be heard a far way away or whisper and barely be heard by people next to you. 2.1 If the above is not possible then set the range to approximate the typed distance as well.
  22. [ltac] imperator

    My fears regarding the future of DayZ

    1. I've never been jumped by zombies even when prone. 2. Did I say I used maps? Did I say I meta-gamed. 3. You are whining and your being disrespectful of anyone who disagrees with you. 4. Thank you :D
  23. [ltac] imperator

    My fears regarding the future of DayZ

    Okay. I'll bite. 1. It's not hard if you know what your doing. Zombies do NOT aggro easily. The shift key is your friend, love it and use it. LEARN PATIENCE. 2. Not enough weapons? Deer Stands and looking around, every new character i start has a primary within an hour of starting. I relish the moments where I have to crawl through a town, and avoid zombies at all costs until I get my trusty hatchet. 3. Player Killing is not entirely due to mistrust: High level play with high powered weapons is boring right now, thats why its leading people to Player Kill. This will be fixed in subsequent releases as Co-op and Team Building as stated in an interview with Rocket is the teams priority next to bug fixes and tweaking. 4. The only useful suggestion I gleamed from this entire post is: Direct Communication should have a farther range, especially direct voice comms, you should be able to yell over to a player across the way. I am now going to go suggest that in a thread that isnt whining about how hard the game is.
  24. I was at the range other day and while loading some sidearms I said these exact words (or an approximation thereof) to a friend who plays. Definitely a great idea, and I think the weight towards STANAG or AK mag compatible weapons would be great, they are that way in the real world due for compatibilities sake. Imagine the look on a players face when they find an ammo can ^_^.. and then they find out theres only 4 rounds of 5.56x32 in it... -_-
  25. [ltac] imperator


    The reason why I said no was represented by your statement that it would need to be rebalanced completely. Why would devs work on two versions of the same game to cater to people who dont want to be shot by other players? Rocket has already stated in interviews that his intention and his next focus will be team building. People talk as though this is a complete game. "Its completely unplayable, go back to the last build"... etc. Wouldnt you think it be more constructive to include feedback on how to immediately help out the game rather than offering something for the "long term"?