in the video below you can see that i fall through the ground and die. This being extremely annoying because i'm showing a friend the game in the hopes of him buying it. However these punishing bugs make it difficult. After watching me play for hours not being defeated by wolves, hunger, the cold, etc. only to die by a bug.Then the lack of motivation to start again. Go ahead and mute your sound unless you can live with the annoying screech. I'm not sure why my Geforce Experience does that when I record this game.
This happened at the military base north of Kamenka
Again I apologize for the sound. I'm sure theres no way for you guys to give me gear back or anything like that but i'd really appreciate it, and it would give some encouragement toward the continuation of my recruitment efforts.
After making the extremely long journey back to the same location that i fell through the ground and died last time, I spontaneously died for no reason whatsoever. My status was Freezing, Drenched, Healthy, Hydrated, and Energized. Then upon becoming hypothermic I went outside and started a fire and died out of nowhere.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.