I recently watched the interview with Brian Hicks that a youtuber (who's name I forget) posted online. Its reinvigorated my love for this game, and I've spent the past several days just exploring the map, and "feeling the game." I can't help but make assumptions about the lore of the game - especially considering my many, many, many playthroughs of Arma II's campaign.
One thing I noticed is that all over the map we see destroyed T72s, BDRM-2s, and BMP2s. Perhaps its just me, but I tend to create stories in my head about what's happened in a specific spot. One thing I noticed in particular is a destroyed combined arms company in column formation near Kamenka. Three T72s, two BMPs, and some trucks. May not seem like much, but then I remembered Arma II's campaign.
What if, during/directly prior to the outbreak, Chernarus was at war with Russia? This would explain the inability of the CDF to contain the outbreak (and perhaps explain the origins of the outbreak itself?), and the buildup of military hardware (such as a full combined arms platoon!) in locations with no real strategic importance; e.g. Kamenka. I'm not entirely certain if the northern border is to Russia, or just that of South Zagoria, but either way, it'd be really cool to see a sort of "procedural destruction" of the map - in the sense that the closer to the coast you are, the farther you are from the "battlefield" where you had the CDF fighting the Russians.
Anyways...I'm sure the creative development team at Bohemia and on the DayZ project has all this worked out already - now that I think about it, it seems stupid that the game's lore wouldn't have been decided already. :P
Either way, as an "explorer" and not necessarily a PVPer/Hero/Bandit, I'd really like to see the lore take a more prominent role in the game. Perhaps notes, or newspapers, that you can find as loot that sort of tell the game's backstory.
Anyways, I'm open to any feedback/suggestion/plain shitposting that follows