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About Hitmanchief

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hitmanchief

    Stable Update 0.62.141072

    Thanks for the quick fix. I feel good now for reporting it, heh. Love you guys!
  2. Hitmanchief

    Exp Update 0.62.140694

    Once it hits stable i will be able to test all three colours since my friends and me stashed our ghillies away until they are bugfixed. But i'm worried that they are still wonky once they hit stable :<
  3. Hitmanchief

    Exp Update 0.62.140694

    But i'm pretty sure someone will make a youtube video with the updated Ghillies now that i think about it. So i will look out for that, heh.
  4. Hitmanchief

    Exp Update 0.62.140694

    Mhh, that's good to know. But still...i think i don't fancy getting all the nettings and burlaps just for testing. Might be a bit time consuming just to look at them before they hit the stable. :<
  5. Hitmanchief

    Exp Update 0.62.140694

    Would it be possible to see the changes made to the ghillies in form of a screenshot? :> Sorry if i sound too cocky but i'm just so nervous about it. Hopefully they blend in as good as they did before the colours got changed. And since it takes so long to gather all the materials i don't wanna risk hopping on the EXP in fear that it's gonna get wiped before i can finish it. Oh and as the guy who submitted the Bug report i must thank you for changing it so quickly, heh. Usually i'm not reporting anything because i keep thinking someone else probably reported it already but the bugged Ghillie Shaders hit me on a personal level. My friends and me are avid ghillie users and spend hundreds of hours just crawling around people without them noticing us.