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Everything posted by Lollys90

  1. Lollys90

    more server ports?

    Hey, I now see that many ppl have their own made servers in the community list shown. But ppl cant find mine. they can only join when they have my server ip. which ports (except 2302) do I have to activate that ppl can see my server in the community list too?
  2. Lollys90

    more server ports?

    did it but can find in the community server list still
  3. Lollys90


    the mpmissions folder playerrespawnpoints
  4. Lollys90

    Novy Sobor PvP spawn

    Join my server to test the sability :D you spawn geared around novy with guns and supplies. Have fun
  5. Lollys90


    it is all in the xml files. just read it piece by piece. took me 6 hours to understand all. haveing a little fun server in a town with fullgeared respawns now :D
  6. Lollys90

    Stable Update 0.62.140694

    oh right, and do you see the trees? this is how trees should look like and not like in dayZ... briliant... comparing a simulator with real life... back to you. If you are not able to use a ghilie, pls try more.... EDIT: logically you should not use something bright wearing to dark contrast. rule #2 in ghillie using try to use it more effectiv or make it mossy if you want to walk through darker places. woodland is not for woodland although it is the name but it is the same with a flashbang, you only recognize the bang and no flash so dont lean so much on a name but more on its really effect in this game, ghillie tan is good for the old big cornfields. woodland for green open fields and mossy for woodland. EDIT2: hope you could see my little editing of your picture. if no, then you see how a ghillie works usually (here in a bad situation).
  7. Lollys90

    Stable Update 0.62.140694

    that was also before it was bugged. it is good that is that bright because woodland is not for forest but for green open fields. it even works there pretty good sometimes... *facepalm*
  8. Lollys90

    Stable Update 0.62.140525

    Have you fixed the hood now which is not possible to dye it to mossy, because it stays normal woodland green since you craft it? If you do not like mossy and always wear normal green ghillies you dont even have to use green spraypaint for it, because it is always green. Even when I want to have the ghillies is that yellow color when you craft one, I can never use the hood, becaus it is just ALWAYS normal green. And when I try a black spray paint on it to make it mossy it has the name mossy but it is still JUST normal green :D