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Posts posted by FullAutoLives

  1. You're talking in a thread with an account that was made today: Fullautolives: Registration Date: Today. Which means A: he's scared to use his real name. B: Trying to troll. C: Created the fake name on a cheaters forum.

    The real question now' date=' is why was he even on that cheaters website? Hmmmm.....Using fake names and hiding behind false aliases.....Reported to the admin team :).


    Or D: never had a reason to sign up on the forums until now. Go ahead and report me, I'm sure the admins will be thrilled that you're making false / frivolous reports.

    Except any admin team worth a damn know how to check IP's :).

    You're the one hiding behind fake names and registering people for fake accounts on cheating websites. It's okay though, they'll see.

    Exactly and they will see this is my first and only account on the forums. What's your point?

  2. You're talking in a thread with an account that was made today: Fullautolives: Registration Date: Today. Which means A: he's scared to use his real name. B: Trying to troll. C: Created the fake name on a cheaters forum.

    The real question now' date=' is why was he even on that cheaters website? Hmmmm.....Using fake names and hiding behind false aliases.....Reported to the admin team :).


    Or D: never had a reason to sign up on the forums until now. Go ahead and report me, I'm sure the admins will be thrilled that you're making false / frivolous reports.

  3. Full auto' date=' did you seriously sign up on a cheaters forum with my username? You seriously have problems. Hasn't your mom delivered dinner to the basement today? Is that why your so grumpy.


    best 'got caught on hacks forum' excuse ever

    Wow now you made a post about wanting a name change.

    Go fuck yourself buddy

    Just went looking at your posts, seems like you've been trying to get your name changed since you realized IT WAS A PUBLIC PART OF THE FORUM since before this whole thing even started


  4. ps yes i did social you guys via teamspeak, thats how i murdered "shim" or whatever his name was twice in a row on electro last night.

    pps busted @ infinitegrim http://i46.tinypic.com/b7ndzk.png

    I got $20 that you are this guy from youtube...

    Hey' date=' i'm a lurker at AR15 forums, and I also have Dayz for Arma2. Would you like to play together? I have a group of about 4-5 consistent people, as well as 10-12 inconsistent people.

    If you would like to play together, send me a message, and i'll shoot you a friend request on Steam

    2 days later....

    Too late now bro. I see that you and your team like to cheat and ALT-F4 during firefights [Watched your NE airfield firefight vid'], and If I see you or your suck ass crew, my people will roll you over, and we'll report you for cheating.

    Fuck you for cheating, you piece of garbage.

    No, I was the guy who posted "nice COD style shoot on sight against noobs with makNbeans" on a diff set of videos that got pulled, I don't have a team, I'm an army of one brah

  5. Naw brah I came in and asked if in an extreme circumstance, like losing a lot of loot, we could have the server rebooted, and you can hear the reply in the youtubez.



    nice trying to lay down new, un-approved by rocket, permaban rules

    I own ar15s, I roll with an ar15 tag because I'm proud of my ar15s, you guys are gonna permaban me from your server if I join it? lolwut

  6. proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu62BSe8yak&feature=youtu.be

    saw post (first tinypic link). loled. went onto teamspeak, social engineered arfcommers in .5 seconds by posing as an employee of magpul "we play in the breakroom all the time now" told them i lost some gear in a blown up tractor because of a [misc] member, asked if i can get a server reboot if it happens again and i lose really important stuff

    apparently fraps only records what i hear, not what i say

    see also: http://i49.tinypic.com/5bcoi1.png


    and then they start accusing it of being a "trap question" trololololol

    oh noes they be all afraid of bein recorded 'n shit, exactly what people with nothing to hide would say: http://i48.tinypic.com/2a9rxx4.png

    plz call internet police on me for recording ur convos, ill hold my breath and wait, ok ready go *deep breath*

    OH SHIT THE GUY WHO PAID FOR HAX IS SENDING ME 2 JAIL, YO http://i49.tinypic.com/oqjd37.png
