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Freud was a stoner

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About Freud was a stoner

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    On the Coast

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  1. Freud was a stoner

    Spawn with friends system

    I don't mind having scattered spawn places. I don't mind finding my friends. But what I do mind is that get spawned in the same fucking town EVERY fucking time. I mind that whenever I am close to my friends someone shoots my dick off when I am looking at the map on a crossroad. I mind that EVERY fucking time I get close but change server, I get spawned in a completely different spot, on opposite sides of the map. So you have to start all over again. THIS IS DAYZ: spend hours to avoiud starving, get some basics and (almost) find you friend. Maybe you found them, hours later. What's next?! Oh. server restart. Server is not listed. Join new server. Random spawn, and you have to find eachother again. This is not about finding friends and playing together. This game does everything to make sure you will NEVER see your friends again. Its a isolation simulator. A game that makes you even feel more alone than the outside world. so depressing. and some of you lonely people dont want that changed. so the devs say "nice, we dont need to work - let make a repeater for the next major update instead" - oh wait, that was already in there, in version 0.9, but they took it out for 1.0. Great work guys. I am impressed. No I am not. There would be sooooo many easy solutions, that both fit the engine, and the story and the game. But instead I see only laziness... Options: 1. Join friend = spawn next to him; easy nice and clean. no harm done. 2. Join friend = spawn nearest spawnpoint, also nice easy and clean. still no harm done. 3. Build / make a spawn point = you friend will need to assemble the ingredients, and build something for you. Teamplay is enhanced. 4. Spawn mid-air and parachute. Get thrown out of a helicopter (where are those??? you PROMISED!) open chute, so at least you have some control to steer in the right direction. This might save you an hour walk, or avoid getting spawned in the forest or an empty town where you starve to death before you can even start looking for your friends. 5. Get that freaking bicycle! Why is this not in the game yet? 6. Get a moving train to avoid getting killed on the bridges when you try to get south in Livonia to your friends. 7. Even when time is going 64 times faster, the time I starve to death doesnt makes sense. I am a healthy full grown person, and I can take 1 day without drinks and at least 2 days without food. In Dayz, the equivolent would mean that I die if I don't make it to the supermarket 10km walk from here. Ill never make it in Dayz. If you're all about realism, and want to make me find my friend, at least keep it real and fix that shit.
  2. Freud was a stoner

    DayZ in 2020

    I really don't understand this.. just flabbergasted.. Not a word about spawning system? Its the worst spawning system you can imagine.. I want to play with friends, and I keep getting spawned on opposite sides of the map. I either die of starvation. Or I get killed. Or I get spawned repositioned on the northpole. Its become absolutely not FUN anymore. Its just annoying. buggy. and frustrating. A game should be challenging. not frustrating and tiresome and repetitive, laggy and buggy. Why is there no way to set a spawnpoint next to a friend. Make it temporary, destructable, whatever! Until this is sorted, I'm out.
  3. Freud was a stoner

    Status Report - January 2019

    I see so many insignificant responses. I think you should focus on bringing back basics like bow and arrow, finally some damned bicycles. You dont need to prep them for stable, but having at least a form of transport so I dont have to walk and search an hour everytime me and my buddy want to play this game. Get rid of this annoying running simulator, and make sure we can actually team up, and test the hell out of this game. A couple of bikes would make all the difference, without any funny sjizzle, where I have to steal a saddle from the north to combine it with wheels in the south and a pump from the east, to finally find my buddy in the west. This aspect keeps me from running this game on a frequent basic. I have mentioned this 4yrs ago already.. and it was alwys dismissed with other so called priorities, which most of them are now not in the game AT ALL. So instead of focussing on pistols, focus on playability. And by that I do not mean the persistence. Like other users have validly stated: there is no use for persistence, if there are no items / goal, that is valuable enough to build a base or bury in the ground. Focus on group dynamics, and game dynamics that actually make it more playable. A wrong particle isnt gonna ruin the gameplay, if there is no one to play with!! And for the record, I get these reactions are highly demotivating for staff, but something has to change. A 4 week beta period is absurd, and as far as I know has never happened. The manager who decided this should be fired on the spot. We want people working on this game that actually are skilled and committed. This shows neiter. I personally am in love with this idea of a new apocalyptic world where there is no rules, and a ton to do - explore - discover - connect and most of all is roamed by players with whom you have to talk to survive. And sometimes its kill or be killed. This is why it hurts so much to feel that bohemia is not living up to its potential, and seemingly is just trying to keep shut us up and mainly dong reputaional damage control for any new project. While we have been waiting for the best game ever created. It doesnt sit right, hence the frustration of so many people. Please be advised and show us what is happening. Enable us, and dont shut us down with some roadmap where a couple of chicken get more priority than decent mulitplayer dynamics.