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Everything posted by AggrOnline

  1. AggrOnline


    I too want my money back but then I know i am not getting it, 4 or 5 years in development I finally managed to trick my friend to try it with me, as we haven't played dayz sa for over a year by now maybe 2. Surely things are better now or so we thought. After all its over 4 years in development... Lets go see the new trees they talked about at least! Well it all started well, I say well there are some issues that are noticeable right away; floating loot, and my character size was the funniest part, why make a character bigger than door frames? It was some industrial building me and a friend died in trying escape from bandits looking like total noobs or retards when we realize we couldn't fit through the frame; like there was an invincible wall in-front of us, we died! We now on our second attempt my friend finds a tent near quary with bunch of weapons we could not believe our luck feeling good now, and we are like so what who cares about dying before its still in development, they don't care about minor issues like door size or terrain sharp edges its only been 4 to 5 years, its not polished yet, who cares the zombies animation and art look like a game from 80s! we found a lot of weapons we are going to enjoy this Right???? Well we hear shots on the hill behind us, but we are good we have assault rifles, thinking they have the height advantage its best not too approach directly I go on a big loop around to surprise the bandit, soon realize that the slight terrain elevation causes my player to walk so slow, slow enough to make the playing experience far from realistic and so so fucking painful. Finally I am now there, in a good position so I think! He should be around here somewhere I can see my friend in a building down there and I am thinking the sneaky little bandit has a great view no wonder why he is here and chose this hill. Searching for him I soon realized he is still above me when I look up and see him slightly above me in the hill I looked directly at him and i would say his feet in the distance are about my head height, I am now excited this bandit is so dead I got him! he is not far yet not too close, he is in a good range and he does not see me yet! so I proceed to my weapon and now I am trying to get my kill I aim my gun sight but I can not point high enough to even get his feet. I am like are you kidding me!!!! so now I got to hike very very slowly further up without him noticing HOW WHY! Guess what he spots me now I have the task to try to run away only problem is going down hill is just as painful and slow as going up This is a joke! the hill is not that steep at all! I run down and occasionally aim back at him but my gun sight still doesn't aim above. My friend has no choice but to start coming up towards to help i am getting shots but somehow he is missing. He comes up find himself in the same situation as me. It is beyond ridiculous that your game is still selling on steam. This whole experience lasted 15 -20 mins 19 mins of it was mainly walking on egg shell because my player would not run at any slight elevation its nuts, its crazy and its safe to say it is the shitiest game I have ever played! I will uninstall and wait another 5 years. PS: battleground playerunknown was a mod on arma, look what they achieved in 1 month and how popular that game is, now . Do you really think this game will be around in another 4 or 5 years when its finally playable?