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Everything posted by 766F69646565-0

  1. Hello, is it allowed to ban players who call themself Admin or Administrator etc? Cause is, I have the words "Admin" and "Adminster" and "Administrator" in my BadNames.txt but it seems this is not working. Players with nicks like Admin can join the server and play there. I don't know how the behalfe on the server. When they behalfe bad and players think that this one is really the adminster of the server it's not a good reputation. Any ideas?
  2. 766F69646565-0

    Stable Update 0.62.139835

    How long is the time till a bug is assigned? I can't see if it's acknowledged or not. That's bad.
  3. 766F69646565-0


    My server is restarting after 3 hours of game run. It's configured in Scheduler.xml. I also have time acceleration of 4 hours. But from time to time, the schedulter restart isn't working and the server runs without acceleration. Is this DayZ Server Bug or Game Service Provider problem?