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    On the Coast

    respawns and squads

    Im not asking for a tutorial, Dayz for almost 6 years worked liked that, they changed the spawning system at max 3 months ago, was everything until then a tutorial?

    respawns and squads

    wouldnt that kind of defeat the entire point? why even have a hive at that point? The main issue is: If you group up with your friends and want to do a long roadtrip, that when the server crashes or you need to switch (for reasons of lag for example), that you can stay together, with your loot to continue your journey

    respawns and squads

    Yeah, ideally you should just respawn where you left but because the developers really want base building in the game you have to kind of make a compromise. The problem is that when you log out, go to a different server, move to the "inside" of the base and then log in again, in the server where the base is, you basically can kill people inside. I dont see any way to circumvent this besides the not ideal but okay solution i gave.

    respawns and squads

    I already posted this on the steam suggestions but we basically are on the same page, heres what i suggested (ill just copy and paste it): The developers obviously care a lot about server hopping and spawning in bases, so heres a possible solution that is better than the extremely lazy and quickly thrown in one that is currently in the game. Technically there is nothing wrong with spawning randomly, it even gives it more variety but the big issue is if you play with friends, especially with friends that are new to the game. So how about you make spawning areas, the map is already split in 4 different tiers so the Map can be split for different mechanics too, the map is big enough that the map can be split in 8-10 areas so: If you disconnect in one area you get randomly respawned in this specific area so regrouping with mates isnt as hard. If you want to make this even less exploitable make it so you spawn in a city (randomly and random buildings) in those zones. The solution given by dorks and losers dont seem to be good enough. (hur dur just play on one server only, hur dur community servers will fix it)

    Dayz Vehicle Stuck Suggestions

    server just restarted and its still in the air
  6. Can anyboody give suggestions on how to avoid your vehicle getting stuck or how to fix it if its stuck? I heard in the old patches it worked by removing parts but this sadly didnt work for me. Seen in the given screenshots my vehicle got stuck on the ground and couldnt move forward, i thererfore tried to remove the wheels all the time to make it flip out of the stucked area. Very long story short, it got stuck in the air. http://steamcommunity.com/id/GIULIxJIPPI/screenshot/840333094709315760 http://steamcommunity.com/id/GIULIxJIPPI/screenshot/840333094709316066 http://steamcommunity.com/id/GIULIxJIPPI/screenshot/840333094709316928 http://steamcommunity.com/id/GIULIxJIPPI/screenshot/840333094709316503