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Everything posted by OSHeenius

  1. OSHeenius

    Exp Update 0.62.140401

    Hey guys! I don't know if you are going to read this, but you should consider to change luck ratio when trying to find a stone, if it is possible. It should be much higher than finding a apple. Right now it's just too damn low. Sometimes I feel like my character is retarded. I'm looking on stones at the beach and can't find one for good damn 5 minutes. Anyways, here is a video I had to deal with AFK Bambi abuser. :D Thanks for hard work, devs!
  2. OSHeenius

    Exp Update 0.62.139835

    Already reported this on feedback tracker. There is some problems with todays ambient sounds update/tweak. Some of ambient sounds kinda doesn't overlay and mix nicely, but just cuts off. The ending of sound loop is not fading out or overlaying with the next loop. The ending is just like brutally cut off. Hope this is going to help you, guys.