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About Butane

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  1. You've got a reply right here. I caught a link to this from gamespy. It discusses base building in the stand alone in an interview between Rocket and Rock-paper-Shotgun. He talks about instancing some of the construction. While it sounds cool I am 50-50 as it could severely ruin the experience. Here's the link. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/08/15/day-z-standalone-instanced-building-more-chernarus/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+RockPaperShotgun+%28Rock%2C+Paper%2C+Shotgun%29 I agree with you on character names. It's important and will help the community identify bandits easier. Notes and stuff would be a little bit too difficult. Though cool I do admit. Seems like a down the road kind of thing. Resting can hurt gameplay. It shouldn't be required. It can also dampen the "survive the night" effect. Agreed. More items, more food types, more tools, more weapons, MOAR! I do agree on the investigation. Was he bitten, shot, stabbed, fall? It's all important and will help immerse people. Also if people know a body's been shot then there could be a chance for the shooter to be around. people return to the scene of the crime y'know :). Just cause 2 had a multiplayer mod beta with what like 1000 people on the server? DayZ servers should at the very least go up to 100-150.
  2. Butane

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    This has happened to me today (July 29th). I haven't played DayZ for awhile due to some server side character issues and log in issues which have been corrected. I logged in earlier today and found myself with my proper character near the Balota airstrip. I proceeded to hide from zombies and get what I could (bandages, medicine, AKS-74 kobra, M1911, plenty of ammo). I heard shooting in the distance while I hid so I examined the control tower to find two dead players whom I looted. I proceeded northward due to an influx of zombies. I skirted Balota and checked the factory for supplies sustaining some damage (2000 blood worth). I entered the factory to find nothing of use (3 hatchets, wtf?) and logged out to run errands. Got home and told my friend the bugs were fixed and we can play, upon logging in all the items I had accumulated on my trip to the factory were gone and I was in "pain" status (requiring painkillers) even though when I logged out I was perfectly fine. I was also still inside the factory in Balota.
  3. Actually I haven't had this happen. However when he first introduced the hatchet as a melee weapon a few patches ago mine disappeared and it took me awhile to find another. However this was after he reverted the change. I believe when he (rocket) changed the hatchet to melee then both he somehow wiped players inventory of them.
  4. Date/Time: Sunday June 24th 11:35pm - Monday June 25th 12:15am What happened: When entering Balota from the west towards the east nearby the dock ware house I encountered large screen artifacting never before encountered in game. It only happened when I looked in the south west to west directions. Looking any other direction it would not happen. It happened in third person and first person in varying severity. At times the entire screen would literally be filled. It also started from a specific point at the center of the screen. Where you were: Western edge of Balota entering the dock yard What you were doing: Walking, crouch running, running, proning making my way towards the docks of Balota to meet with a friend. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US - 121 *Your system specs: Core I7 920 CPU ASUS X58 Sabertooth Mobo 12GB (6x2GB) 1600MHz Patriot Viper Series 9-9-9-24 latency ram 2x XFX Radeon HD5770 1GB DDR5 GPU's up to date drivers 320 GB WD Caviar Blue HDD Windows 7 64Bit Home Premium SP1 *Timeline of events before/after error: Entering balota it occured. When escaping balota and a horde of zombies it happened again. Only happened in the field to the immediate west of the Balota docks within roughly 50-100 yards of the fence. Once past the fence it died shortly thereafter.
  5. The only reason it dropped is because people don't spawn with weapons anymore. Just give it time.
  6. Butane

    Side Chat in Beta Patch

    Well thank you for the link and smug look. I fixed the issue by added in -mod=beta to the launch options in steam which allows me to use side channel still? Either way thanks again.
  7. I both agree and disagree with the change. Preferably, I'd like to see people spawn with a 9mm and only 1 magazine. That is by far the best choice. Currently most people wind up dying shortly after spawning due to not being able to defend themselves. The other option is instead give the players 1 empty can and 1 empty beer bottle to allow them something to distract zombies.
  8. Butane

    Are zombies really that easy?

    The new zombies are a serious threat. Still, one zombie by himself is manageable while two can be hectic. Once you go three plus however your in some serious danger.
  9. So with the new updates we need the beta patch to run it. While that hasn't been an issue I noticed I only have 3 typing communication options now. Group chat, vehicle chat and direct chat. I no longer have the option for side chat and cannot communicate with other players as I have tried speaking to them using the others but have had no luck. Is this known that the beta does not have side chat or is it some random issue only I have encountered.
  10. Butane

    DayZ Stories

    I've got one. Started my character a few weeks ago, usually play for a few hours every few days or so. Earlier today was especially tense. So I am relatively new to Arma II and DayZ and that means I am especially new with the map and locations. So let's start: Day 1: I spawned south of Balota and made my way to the airstrip. I was especially cautious knowing that Bandits and other survivors like to visit such areas. My end game goal this character was to find a bicycle and blast Queens Bicycle Race while riding up and down the coast. However upon reaching the airfield I find it littered with bodies of survivors. I made my way around the airfield scrounging for supplies. A lot of the corpses had starting equipment and mostly their food missing, meaning bandits had struck them. I also was hearing intermittent gunfire in the distance, close enough to be cautious but not enough to be an immediate threat. After scrounging whatever I could I proceeded eastward along the coast attempting to reach the Cap Golova light house to check the supposed bicycle spawn. As I head eastward I continually hear gunfire in the distance and regularly find survivor corpses. I begin discussing this with other survivors on the server via side channel without giving away my position. Mostly they accuse me of killing the people but I reiterated that all I want to do is ride my bike. So I shrug it off, scavenge what I can and continue on along the coast. As always I find corpse after corpse, whoever this serial killer was he didn't even bother to hide the bodies. This meant I had plenty of medical supplies which was welcome. I made it through Cherno without surprise by sticking along the docks portion while stopping at the church. While there I noted and transmitted what supplies were there (flashlight, bandages etc.) then leaving. So I progressed, eventually I came upon the lighthouse only to find no bike. Needless to say I was extremely disappointed. So in my anger I challenged myself to climb the mountain just north of it that I now know the name of (Pik Kozlova). Once I am on the mountain I register there is a goat and kill it for it's meat. I continued in a north easternly fashion till I came upon the north western edge of Elektrozavodsk. I rounded the city and entered the northern electrical plant. Up until this time I had continued to find corpses left by this bandit. I entered the power facility and climbed to the roof to get a better view of the zombies in the city. When I was up there I noticed on a platform by the smoke stack was a dead survivor with a Lee Einfield rifle. Since I had not found a primary weapon I climbed down and took his. That was when it happened, after I looted the Einfield I heard gunshots. This time no longer in the distance to be wary of but literally within 50 yards of my position. I climbed down the ladder and looked around the corner to see the bandit killing a zombie and enter in the opposing whare house with a white tower. I quickly checked two survivor corpses he left nearby and then dashed across the square into the ware house. I heard nothing inside and figured he had left. I proceeded to climb my way to the top to see if any loot remained, when on the third floor I turned and saw him laying shotgun pointed at the stairs. I wheeled around and fired as he did, while his struck my in the side mine (luckily) struck him in the head killing him. I was shocked, for this is the first time I've murdered any other player since starting DayZ. I check his person, he didn't have much in the way of medical supplies (not that I needed any with all he left behind) but he had considerable food sources. I bandaged myself, used his stolen food to heal and then proceeded to leave. I returned to the Einfield corpse for one last magazine. Sadly this bugged out and I could not retrieve it and since I had one round left I used it on a straggling zombie since I didn't see any within the vicinity. Boy that was one of the biggest mistakes this whole play through. Upon firing it alerted all nearby zombies, soon I had 15-20 zombies rushing my position and only my Makarov. I used the ladder to funnel them but it only brought more zombies. Luckily the same Einfield corpse had 7 9mm magazines which I burnt through. Once there was enough of a lull in combat I sprinted over to the whare house, shut all the doors and climbed to the top story. From there I saw easily 50-100 zombies meandering their way to me. I decided it'd be safest for me to log out for the night here and so I did. Day 2: So several days later I re log in on the same server. I am in the same location and all my gear is intact. Using my height I survey the surrounding area and see few zombies. I also notice a fresh Lee Einfield and ammunition which I take. I progress downstairs but encounter zombies I couldn't see inside the ware house. I retreat back upstairs and await the zombies eventual pursuit. As it turns out only 2 zombies came up and both got stuck on the first story. I killed them both suffering minor injuries. After I bandage, consume some food and soda and am set to go I notice on the second story is, none other then a M4A1!!!! Oh my god my heart skipped a beat. While it only had 2 magazines I immediately switched my Einfield for it. I also began hearing shots in the distance and saw someone talking about my gunshots in Elektro. When I asked him if he was friendly he said he was so I told him my position. However not trusting him fully I proceeded out of the electrical plant and up into the hills north east of it. While lying prone in the hills I heard zombie sounds to see a crawler moving his way towards me. Not wanting to alert zombies I got up and walked away figuring as one who crawls along the ground he isn't a threat. I proceeded along the coast to a ware house train depot and scrounged for supplies. However as the area began to be crawling with zombies I attempted to retreat. The way I came in had zombies covering it so I moved toward a hole in the wall. As I am 5 feet away the crawling zombie comes from under the wall making me retreat a few paces back and finding a removed section of wall to go through. Once I am through I hear the alert of a zombie and see one running at me. I retreat up to the tree line turn and fire on the pursuing zombie and kill it. Luckily not alerting any other zombies. Thus I found a nearby road and headed north. Moving through the woods traveling in the same general direction but following the road. After clearing the forest I came upon an exceedingly large field. Figuring the server only has about 20-30 people on it I decided to run full sprint standing through the field. About a third of the way across the field I hear a gunshot ring out. I immediately went into a prone position and surveyed the area. Continually hearing gunshots being fired around me I proceeded to crawl my way forward. I noticed a small pack of zombies (roughly 10) milling about a field about 100 yards away. Then I looked forward, and that when I saw him. I saw just briefly a survivor/bandit shooting nearby a deer stand roughly 300-400 yards ahead. Freaking out I proceeded onward crawling along the ground. After I finally reach the deer stand I assumed a crouched position and checked the area out. No sign of him, so I checked the stand for supplies and retreated downhill and hid in a copse of trees, logging out for the day. Day 3: I logged in just south of the deer stand. After checking the area for bandits I checked the stand out for supplies, nothing of significant use so I proceeded onward. However a new issue reared it's ugly head. I was out of food. I decided I'd heard in a south westernly direction in an attempt to reach the Cap Golova lighthouse again for that bike and see if I could find food on the way. En route I encountered a rabbit and gut it for food and hit the beach east of Elektro and scavanged some beans of corpses of new players who couldn't get off the beach. However this was just after the fresh patch increasing zombie lethality along with reducing players starting equipment. So I proceeded along the coast towards Elektro circumventing a shambling horde of zombies along the coast town near Drakon. I also saw a player sprinting through town, and decided to be on my way. That's where it happened, I have no idea where they came from but 7 zombies rushed me from my flank. I managed to kill them but was injured (6400 blood left). I figured my best shot of survival would be to get to the power plant north of Elektro and see if I could find some supplies like food before I began my journey towards Cherno and a construction site that had a fire pit at it's based figuring I could re light somehow (I didn't have matches) to cook the raw meat I had. Once I reached the power plant it was getting late and my friends were back so I resumed my logged out position at the top of the white ware house. Sadly it didn't have much in the way of supplies. Day 4: Part 1 (Today) I logged in today knowing I wouldn't have much time. I left the ware house and checked the small shack for supplies, on route to the coast I noticed a zombie behind me looking the other way. I slowed down to avoid making too much noise to alert him to my presence and began backing up keeping an eye on him. That's when a second zombie came shambling around the corner and saw me. I freaked tried to shoot but missed and he hit my, breaking my leg and leaving me prone. This alerted the one I was trying to avoid and they began curb stomping me. Luckily I wheeled my M4A1 around and killed them both. I applied medicine to myself but the damage was done. I was now at 3500 units of blood. I heard a moan and a crawling zombie was making his way towards me. I shot him in the head, check them for supplies and was on my way. My vision was black and white, extremely blurry at random intervals and I was dying. I proceeded along the coast till Elektro where I climbed to the roof of a ware house on the long coastal dock. I logged out there to go run some errands, knowing when I logged back in I'd probably be dead shortly thereafter. Day 4: Part 2 (Today) I logged back in safe and sound on the rooftop. I decided to foot it along the coast, figuring I'd scrounge any supplies off the numerous corpses littering the beaches since the update stripped them of their starting supplies. It was tense, I was always freaking out as I went. I check the light house at Cap Golova for a bike to make my trek easier. Especially since hunger and thirst were wearing on my and I had no food. I was desperate, even telling my friends (who want to play but don't have Arma II) I may have to revert to becoming a bandit. He warned me to be careful and left, without someone to talk to it became even more tense. I proceeded along and checked a ware house figuring I'd check it for food and found a fresh Lee Einfield rifle. Since my M4A1 was low on ammo I switched it out and moved along. After slogging through the coast and heading towards Cherno looking for the construction site (proving difficult with such horrible sight distance) I chance upon something amazing. A fresh survivor corpse, while he didn't have anything the bandit corpse who killed him had items. A compass and matches along with some other essential items. I was ecstatic! I had matches now so I didn't need to rely on looting. I headed north from the tip of Chyornaya Bay along the outskirts of Cherno crawling past roaming zombies to the forest. There I cooked the two raw meat I had and ate them putting me at about 5400 blood. I headed over the small hill Vysota north of Chernogorsk and encountered the field. While my vision was no longer extremely blurry it was still too much of a risk to check out the small farm buildings since I could see the silhouettes of zombies nearby the buildings just barely. I did notice an unusual blotch in a field and proceeded toward it. At about 100-75 yards I identified it as nothing but a cow. A cow, oh thank god I pulled out my Einfield and shot it. After gutting it though I found out cows drop 8 pieces of raw meat. More then enough to heal me but farm to much to carry. I noticed the woods north of me and sprinted to them. After cutting some wood and making a fire I cooked the meat I was able to grab, ate them and dashed for the rest. While I made the fire in a copse of trees so it wouldn't be seen it took me two trips to gather all the meat and eat it. When I was done I was at 11000 blood. My vision is perfect and my supplies are solid. I decided to continue on a north western path and logged out in a forest just outside of a town south of Nadezhdino. I survived and realized my ordeals brought great rewards. I have plenty of ammunition for my Lee Einfield rifle and Makarov pistol. I have a hatchet, hunting knife, watch, compass and matches for equipment. I have plenty of medical supplies for emergencies and some solid food supplies. All I can say now is I am extremely relieved. The only issue I have is that I have to play using the beta client and the side channel is removed, leaving me only the group channel to speak with that nobody seems to see. If you've read this far thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.