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About FranckyVincent

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    On the Coast

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  1. Hi, I try to make a mod, and i am trying to spawn a lot of objects using the method "CreateObject". It's appear after having spawned 4096 objects thats i have reach a "limit" (out of memory when i try to start the server.) Does any dev can confirm this limit of objects spawnings, using the CreateObject method ? Thanks in advance. FV
  2. FranckyVincent

    Team [ O.N.U ] Server & Community

    UPDATE : Server have now 40 slots !
  3. FranckyVincent

    Team [ O.N.U ] Server & Community

    HELLO SURVIVOR OF CHERNARUS ! We want to introduce you, the [ O.N.U ] server, team and community ! We are a French team, since the beginning of this amazing game that is DayZ Standalone. Our community has 800+ members registered on our website. We are trying to offer the best to our community with nice features like : Players Stats, Player kills / Deaths history, Playing time history, server economy, class, factions and more (see bellow...) ;-) WEBSITE & TEAMSPEAK : Website : https://team-onu.com TeamSpeak : team-onu.com (Port : 9987) Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/teamONUdayz/ DayZ Server IP : HD LINK THE MAP AND THE RULES : The O.N.U server is a “Real Play” server : you have to play with the most realistic immersion possible. PvE, PvP, RP, everything is possible and depend on the situation and players you will meet. It’s up to you to adapt to the context. On the server, you will find 3 PvP zones where the Kill On Sight is allowed (Berezino, NWAF and Tisy Military Base). Outside these areas, if you kill another player (except if it’s self-defense) and if that player files a complaint on our website, you will be tagged at “Wanted” and hunted down by all friendlies military forces of the server. You will also find 2 Start Zones on the server, one on the top of the chair lift of Tulga, the other one in the Rify’s Ship wreckage. These Start Zones are places for trading and to help you to begin you journey. You will find there food and medical supplies. These camps are opened to everybody. Players are invited to fill the tents with crops from seeds presents. STATISTICS, SEASON’S RANKING : The O.N.U server works by “seasons” (one season = one month). The tab “Stats” from our website let you keep an eye on your actual rank, kills and deaths. This ranking is calculated by dividing your time played on our server by the number of your deaths. At the end of the season, the 3 bests survivors, the Seria-killer and the Victim will get a reward with RC (Chernarian Rubles) and an achievement on their profil. HD LINK HD LINK ECONOMY : On the O.N.U server, the official money is RC (Chernarian Rubles). This is a virtual money. You can earn them by unlocking objectives of your faction and class during the season. You also can get more of them by trading, selling your services, threatening other players… everything is possible, the only limit is your imagination. These RCs allow you to unlock your talent’s tree and to acquire / buy weapons and clothes from other players. HD LINK FACTIONS AND CLASSES : When you create your account on our website, you can choose a faction between two available: Frienfly (A Friendly is a player deeply attached to the values of mutual help and sharing. He is always ready to reach out to other survivors) Bandit (A bandit is a player who defends the values of individuality and opportunism. He is always ready to draw profile to his advantage of all situations ...) As long as you have not chosen a "faction" you will be considered neutral. It is a faction that does not allow you to fulfill seasonal goals, and thus gain extra RCs ... Very soon we will implement specializations. Each class will have access to 10 specializations : Civil Class: gives you access to 3 specializations (Farmer, Hunter, Trader) and 5 common specializations (Farmer, Mechanic, Builder, Guide, Medic). Military Class: gives you access to 3 specializations (Sniper, Assault, Bounty Hunter) and 5 common specializations (Farmer, Mechanic, Builder, Guide, Medic). HD LINK HD LINK We hope to see you very soon on our server ! Take care... Your survival is our priority !