Hello Survivors,
I had some questions about the server rules. First of all, I am new to this community forum.
I want to build a new turkish community RP server with my clan. We are all experienced players with more than a thousand hour of gameplay gathered together 1 year ago. There is big crowd of turkish players playing DayZ. Only on Facebook Group there is 4000+ members.
We are aiming to gather RPlovers among them in one server. Because of major RP servers and requiring average English Language skills, rightfully. the main problem is servers. I did some researches about Public server rules. But it is still in dark for me. How whitelist, passworded servers are forbidden if there are a lot? You can easily find them with Web server trackers. Some of them are actually well known. Can I build public server like these and HOW? Thank you for your patience :) See you in Chernarus.
Check us on Facebook and Youtube.
777. Dayz Alayı/ 777th Dayz Division