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About Raidkill

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    On the Coast

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  1. Raidkill

    Low FPS

    Okay, I am also quite new to computer gaming, so I do not know much about it at all.. But my processor is "Intel Core i5-7600 CPU @ 3.50GHz" (P.S Just to clarify, I wasn't told it would run on any GPU but I was told it would run on the GeForce GT630)
  2. Raidkill

    Low FPS

    So I got a new PC the other week and I just installed DayZ. I was told it would run DayZ fine but I tried just now and it runs at an average of 17/18 FPS on "Very Low". I was wondering what graphics card you DayZ players use. Also, if I need to upgrade, what card do you recommend for DayZ and other games? (My Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GT 630)