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Everything posted by Macenzie

  1. Macenzie

    (UK8) Camp Site...

    I do suspect vehicles are borked on our server, not sure whether the devs would do a database wipe for us...
  2. Macenzie

    Has anybody seen my vehicle!?

    That damn van has blown us up many a time
  3. Macenzie

    Why you shouldn't buy a SERVER

    Nobody cares
  4. The new script detection is working much better, the logs are filling up with much less garbage. In fact I was able to spot someone running hacking scripts within a few minutes of opening the log up. I've just spotted another one, this player ran the following command openDSInterface. Does anyone know what it does? I can't find much information on the ARMA or BI wiki other than it opens a multiplayer interface. The scripts.txt shows that it autokicks for this, so should I just ban this player outright?
  5. Macenzie

    openDSInterface - What is it?

    That makes sense... I guess an admin wouldn't need to use it if he has RCon.
  6. Please do not get me wrong, I am not complaining about the existence of road blocks. What kind of apocalypse would it be without debris littering the road and making it difficult for drivers to navigate population centres? What I am complaining about is how sometimes while driving at high speeds down a seemingly CLEAR road, a car / roadblock / pile of rubble will APPEAR in front of me. This is incredibly frustrating and has been the number one cause of road accidents in my group. Something has to be done about the way items that are not part of the original map are handled during high lag situations, so someone driving at 90 KPH doesn’t suddenly explode…
  7. Like I said, the roadblocks are fine in that respect, it SHOULD be hard to navigate a bus through a destroyed city.
  8. Macenzie

    UH-1H Huey

    I can't wait! I'm so excited I let out a bit of wee!
  9. I tend to take it slowly around towns just in case roadblocks do spawn, but you get the odd random pile of debris in non obvious places (in the middle of nowhere). Those are the ones that get you. I don't mind if they blow out a tyre, you should be carrying spare parts anyway. My problem is we blew up a fully green ural yesterday when a car wreck spawned in front of us outside a gas sation... :/ This isn't a fucking Michael Bay movie, why do cars explode so easily?
  10. Macenzie

    Ultimate Solution to Hackers

    Terrible idea
  11. Macenzie

    100 hour review of DayZ

    The problem with vehicles is that at the moment, hackers are having a maverlous time teleporting them about. We'd use our cars more but at the moment they keep vanishing (before our eyes)
  12. Macenzie

    100 hour review of DayZ

    I'm all for zombies being stronger if their animations and movements wern't so erratic. I'd like to be able to hit them more reliably first before they are tougher.
  13. You have confirmed my suspicions that you are in fact an utter moron. Congratulations now fuck off and play something easier for your clearly deficient brain capacity.
  14. Macenzie

    The War Z

    Nobody cares
  15. Go play another game. Please.
  16. Macenzie

    Pending Update: Build

    I love you Rocket :D Have Military Offroads been added back to the game too? They all vanished in 1.7.2 :(
  17. Macenzie

    Truth Time Rockett

    You're a fucking moron
  18. You are wrong, red ones DO spawn in DayZ
  19. Macenzie

    Is Rocket Trolling Us?

    What is this? I don't even.
  20. Hey guys, there seems to be a pattern emerging here. Since 1.7.2 our military offroader (the LandRover) vanished, however our truck did not. We just chalked it up to bad luck. However I've been hearing from other people that their offroaders are missing too. Has anyone else seen an offroader since 1.7.2 or have they indeed vanished from the game? Thanks,
  21. Macenzie

    The one thing i hate about Dayz

    How about you don't run from the coast to the NWAF? How about you explore and gear up from town to town / deer stands on the way? Simples.
  22. Macenzie

    Are you F~$king Serious?

    I've noticed threads on WarZ being deleted by the mods so the search feature point is moot
  23. They despawn after 24 hours when off the map I do beleive