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Everything posted by Macenzie

  1. Macenzie

    Server violating the quidelines.

    The max ping setting could be abused potentially to "innocently" kick off players
  2. Macenzie

    Tent duration after death

    We had a camp near black lake, which we abandoned a month ago. I went there last night and the tents are still there after weeks.
  3. Macenzie

    Server violating the quidelines.

    They can be blacklisted for this sort of behaviour. Although I think this thread needs to be moved to the Server General forum.
  4. Macenzie

    Tent duration after death

    Untrue, I have tents in several places on our server that have been there for weeks without me visiting them and I have died many times over those weeks.
  5. Macenzie

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    Are you a fucking idiot? Have you played ARMA? Is it ANYTHING like DayZ? DayZ pushes the ARMA code to the fucking limits, its doing things the game was not designed to support in the first place. And no, I don't call an unfinished game a "game" much like I don't call an unfinished house a "house" or an unfinished car a "car".
  6. Macenzie

    Douche server admins

    The man speaks the truth, the current build seems to be having issues with saving character data.
  7. Macenzie

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    He's saying this is not a game not because this is a mod but because IT IS A MOD UNDER HEAVY DEVELOPMENT. It's not finished enough to be considered a game yet. Do you look at a car chassis that has no wheels, engine, glass, seats, paint, lights and still call it a car? Do you complain that you cannot drive it around yet?
  8. Macenzie

    Douche server admins

    The sad fact that there are server admins out there that will abuse their power for their own ends. It's up to people to report them so we weed out the dicks and have only the dedicated, neutral server admins that this sort of game needs.
  9. Macenzie

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    Every patch IS going to fuck things up. This is because this mod is still under heavy development. People who do not understand this concept of TESTING need to fuck right off and play a finished game.
  10. I’ve decided to take on a bit of a project on our server. Those of you who are STALKER fans will be familiar with the concept of stashes. Over the next few weeks we will be setting up hidden tents in land (I’m hoping to get about 30 up by the end of next week). Inside each tent will be a military weapon, ammo and medical gear. We will then keep track of them all, keeping them stocked up when they are looted. Their main purpose will be for our squad members to stock up when they respawn but in the true STALKER tradition they are free for anyone to loot. The goal will be to leave stashes all over Chernerus for people to find (we’ll probably fill the tents further north with higher level gear). What do you guys think of the idea?
  11. Macenzie

    The Zone Project - UK8

    We don't call ourselves anything at the moment, we're just a bunch of people who play games together and run the server :3
  12. You have to be one of the stupidest people I have ever encountered on a forum, ever
  13. Macenzie

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    FFS this is an alpha, it IS GOING TO BE BUGGY. This is not a finished game, this is just the core gameplay that WE ARE HERE TO TEST. If you didnt have fun because of glitches go fucking play a AAA game.
  14. Macenzie

    Opening crashed helicopters

    Jimmy... You are a moron.
  15. Get some friends mate
  16. Macenzie

    Opening crashed helicopters

    You could get inside the crashed chopper about 10 versions ago, you cannot anymore
  17. You're more likely to get a bullet than morphine mate
  18. Macenzie

    NW Airfield...

    Looting on a low pop server is more risky as server hoppers favor empty servers.
  19. Alpha, you will lose your stuff. Often.
  20. Macenzie

    i was sad

    You just saved yourself from losing all your stuff, putting on camo at the moment will delete your inventory
  21. Macenzie

    Rocket, Loot cycling thoughts?

    There is nothing wrong with loot cycling, in fact I think it simulates the amount of time someone would probably spend rooting through rubble, boxes, bodies, trash, ect for items rather than them apearing in neat little piles on the ground. Unlike server hopping loot cycling requires the player to put themselves in a vunerable position to a point they will need overwatch. Not broken, not an exploit.
  22. Macenzie


    Is your period key broken mate? You seem to be putting a lot in your posts :rolleyes:
  23. Macenzie

    NW Airfield...

    If you are going to loot the north barracks make sure you get a sniper in the eastern treeline, make sure that sniper finds and eliminates any other sniper in the eastern treeline. Have someone stay hidden in the woods behind the barracks watching the door as someone loot cycles, also have someone watch the back road (the area beind the barrack woods). That should cover your bases. If you are looting the south barracks (safer from snipers but very close quaters) have squad mates covering all corners of the compound from hidden positions while someone loot cycles. The loot cycler should take it slow and be aware that at any point a scumbag hopper could appear in any of the rooms, if possible have an overwatch with a view of the windows to watch for anyone inside the building that isn't the cycler.
  24. You gave him one of the most crappy side arms in the game? Would have been kinder to kill him :P
  25. Macenzie


    The inventory system of ARMA is pretty counter intuative