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Everything posted by Macenzie

  1. Punch him in the dick IRL :P
  2. Macenzie

    Placing tents outside the map

    You can tell when you are out of bounds, you will see endless treeless hills, there also wont be and grass/foliage. Just a flat grass texture for miles.
  3. Just. No. "I'm too shit to find the items that give me an edge in combat, take them out so we are all fighting with sticks" GTFO please.
  4. Macenzie

    For all private servers adm

    Err what the fuck are you smoking mate? It is common knowledge that if you have over 150ms~ ping in an FPS you're going to have a bad time.
  5. Macenzie

    Night Servers - No Gamma

    You probably just joined servers that were overcast and moonless. I have not seen any options for restricting gamma.
  6. Macenzie

    Global Banned

    A man with more money than sense
  7. Macenzie

    Looking for VSS Vintorez!

    No, there is no legitimate VSS in DayZ
  8. Macenzie

    sunOrMoon command

    That would be against the server hosting rules I beleive. You set a timezone and stick to it. No messing with the day/night cycles.
  9. Macenzie

    What's up with the loot spawning?

    No one knows the exact time. When you move near a loot pile the server checks when the loot was last spawned in. If it decides its been there long enough the loot de-spawns and is replaced with new loot.
  10. Macenzie

    sunOrMoon command

    A command you shouldn't be tampering with
  11. Macenzie

    just a quick ??

    Yes. Now stop posting questions in annoying colours.
  12. Search the woodland on the west and north edges of the map, popular places for camps
  13. Macenzie

    All 3 camps 200km apart raided in 6hours

    Then you stole the gear from us for your own clan, how does that make you any better mate?
  14. Macenzie

    All 3 camps 200km apart raided in 6hours

    I'm sorry what? Do you have a problem with us? No one in our team hacks, we've looted alot of stuff from other people and if those people hacked it in how is it our fault?
  15. Macenzie

    This is a simulator not a game.

    ARMA II is a combat simulator. This mod is built off the ARMA II engine. You do the math.
  16. Macenzie

    What's up with the loot spawning?

    Coincidence, the loot system is random. You see more watches because watches have a higher % chance of spawning than a compass / map
  17. Macenzie


    I love you~
  18. Macenzie

    The only thing that can save the mod

    GTFO. Excluding players is NOT the answer.
  19. Macenzie

    All 3 camps 200km apart raided in 6hours

    Get the fuck off my game please. Prick.
  20. Macenzie

    Hackers toying with us?

    Erm I've looted what is called "M4A1 CCO SD" from the barracks before, it is legit.
  21. Not playable you say? Good thing it's still in ALPHA TESTING
  22. Macenzie

    Puchasable gear?!?!?

  23. Macenzie

    whats going on?

    What the hell? There are no announcments about 1.7.3
  24. I think what is being described is the latest build's issue with saving player / vehicle / tent states in general. Saving to HIVE has been VERY hit and miss since