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About Noxman

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  1. I am not involved in this at all but feel compelled to reply. Beany, first of all, no one is protected. You can protect people yourselves but any action to kick/ban or attempt to find misconduct just because people attacked you or your charges is admin abuse. Secondly, my god man you've never heard of night vision goggles? You can one shot someone with the dmr which you can use nvgs with. You can headshot someone with any normal iron sight gun all of which you can use nvgs with. You can have a night vision fal which is one shot kill. Night time is not safe and you would be a fool to think so.
  2. They attempted to implement a 5 second timer previously but it didn't work (as in actually bugged, not just people ignored it somehow). They are still working on solutions for logging out and whatnot. Personally I support a WoW style logout timer but any kind of delay on reconnecting would significantly punish normal players. Sometimes the game just starts running slow and you need to relog to fix it. My crappy internet ping spikes every once in awhile and I get booted for having a high ping. Sometimes you log out for 5 mins to go afk. As it stands now, the game and life in general is not stable enough to have something as draconian as a 15 minute timer before being able to rejoin a server.
  3. Was just about to say, 20 NVGs, 15 ghillies, good job getting rid of their duped supply! Sick of that kind of conduct.
  4. Noxman

    Bear Traps

    Bear traps sound cool in zombie apocalypse context but in the current mmorpg style farming murders and nvgs context it will be a pain in the ass. Put a bear trap infront of the barracks and camp from 800 meters with long range sniper rifle. Previously people would run in making it hard to hit them, now they have to stop to remove the trap and bang one down automatically. Same goes for every building in cherno/elektro. This will give griefers an advantage and barely change anything for organised groups (unless you find like 50 you ain't going to effectively bear trap up your camp perimeter and besides, you don't really need to especially if players can remove them anyway). I just worry that for groups you will have to have a sacrificial player to take down bear traps and for new starters they will simply be stuffed. Do you guys really think people aren't going to drop like three in bushes around deer stands just for the shit of it? Or the other side of the enterable wall at the balota medical tents? Bear traps would be cool if we really had to survive (guns rare, ammo rare etc, more apocalyptic in general) but as it stands it will only support murdering for fun.
  5. According to the loot tables, the corrugated iron shack with the single loot point has about a 4% chance to spawn military loot. It's possible he ain't lying. Although 4% isn't exactly reliable...
  6. Because he needs to be perma-banned as much as you can perma-ban someone... Why would you ever be against the reporting of hackers, especially in a game like this?
  7. Noxman

    how bout this for bandits

    The main problem with this is that it focuses on the few irritating bandits who camp roofs in cities and whatnot. I am often a bandit, but I don't actively seek out other players. Being quite reclusive I spend time staking out towns and cities before entering to go to the store/hospital/apartments or whatever. I would rather not encounter anyone but if I do I will attempt to get an angle and take you out. Im also very careful, see a bunch of dead zombies around a barn in the wilderness, give it a wide berth and move on while keeping an eye over my shoulder. It ain't worth it, anyone inside has a better angle to take me out and its an encounter I can avoid with little risk. As such, each life, I have very few kills. Often enough to become a bandit but I tend to survive for long periods of time and encounter people infrequently. Im basically treading the line between careful survivor and actual bandit and as such this would be a massive punishment for my playstyle. I do not kill indiscriminately nor do I actively hunt or camp others. Under this system I would have to become a bloodthirsty murder machine simply to sate my imaginary lust for more beans. I do not want to kill more than I have to. This is all regardless of someone who has killed in self defense enough to become a 'bandit' who is now punished for their survival skills with crazy penalties. All in all, currently the only solution I can think of for the rampant murderfest 2012 that is cherno/elektro is to join a different server. I have spent time on various different servers in america and europe and the individual server communities are vastly different. Remember what servers you join and eventually you will find one that suits you.
  8. When you say reconnection at the end are you referring to fully leaving a server and joining the same or another or disconnecting to the lobby? Tbh either way it seems like a significant punishment, I often dc from my current server to join up with friends that have come online. The 5 minute timer would be extremely frustrating. I think the method is interesting but I think the restriction wouldn't be worth the gain you get from not having dc'ers and server hoppers. Sometimes people just have to go (although dc'ing in combat is 99% bullshit) and if i'm in elektro I might have to simply leg it out of town up the nearest hill and log off. What if I run out of the city (because I can't dc when trying) up the nearest hill and attempt to log off only to find I can't because someone else is passing by on their way to the city. Also what happens to your character if you ctrl-alt-del the game? Oh also, this would add the requirement of grouping with anyone you play with just to avoid the penalty (although it would be fun to troll torch wielding noobies by running around behind them so they can't log). I don't mean to be so negative and I can't really offer any practical solution to the problems myself but this seems like it would be more punishing than useful. If the game gets bound too significantly in rules the people who play to screw around will leave and new players will be put off by an incapability to play because of a random timer they didn't know about.
  9. Noxman

    Long firefight against exploiters.

    I'm curious, on what servers can you see yourselves on the map? And enemies you have spotted too? What witchcraft is this!? Seriously though, never been on a server where you can see yourself :)
  10. Wait, 60 murders and you're complaining about them sniping people? I just..... wut?
  11. Best video ever, especially the heli "Holy Shit!" moment :D
  12. Noxman


    Judge the distance and use zeroing (pageup and pagedown by default). If someone is at 350 metres and you are zerod to 300 the bullet will only drop a tiny bit. Do the operation arrowhead tutorial, there is a shooting range section that covers things like zeroing. A good way also to practice distance judging is to jump into the armoury and just shoot at stuff with and without zeroing or make a custom mission with static and moving targets to shoot at. Trust me, once you get zeroing sorted sniper shots on static targets become a doddle.
  13. Noxman

    Sniper got what he deserved.

    Vid was worth it to see all the people shouting for you to stop talking in global. Nothing ruins an immersive experience like someone trash talking, the guy may have sucked balls but jesus.
  14. Noxman

    Have you seen these people?

    You are a bandit hunting a noob right... ok yeah thats fine. Now tell me what kind of noob hunting bandit keeps his guns in his backpack with no weapons at all in the primary slots? Unless you can be fully looted when unconcious...
  15. Well you gotta admit that saying "i murdered 31 people" and "all in good fun" is a teeeency bit mutually exclusive. I understand your intention, I wish people had a bit more of a relaxed attitude, if you want to survival rp then getting murdered is part of it but some people do just want to have fun and the tension this game provides makes screwing about three times more exciting. But if you had a good firefight that you came out on top of, making a thread would be good because then they can come on and say "hey man amazing gunfight, nearly had ya blah blah", but people feeling a little disenfranchised for being murdered out of nowhere and probably need to step back and calm down a bit (I always stop playing after dying to prevent myself being bitter, when I come back starting anew is tense and fun), it will be a little on the nose to come on the forums and find their murderer saying "no hard feelings buddy".