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About Jackalm92

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Make the character less hungry while also decreasing the spawn rate for food on the map. This would not change the difficulty to much and would make looting for food less tedious.
  2. Jackalm92

    Problems and ideas for dayz (.61)

    Thx. Yeah I came up with that idea after losing a 2-day character to lag lol
  3. Jackalm92

    Problems and ideas for dayz (.61)

    Yeah I didn't mention that i'm just mentioning issues without much regard for if the devs are working on them because i don't know everything the devs plan to do lol. I'm not complaining I'm very much ok with how things are going as long as progress is there. I just hope this brings some new ideas to the table.
  4. Jackalm92

    Problems and ideas for dayz (.61)

    Thx :)
  5. Jackalm92

    Problems and ideas for dayz (.61)

    Problems/ideas I have with Dayz as of .61 stable. (even if it was a potentially bad idea for the game I still might have put it in here) - Fix the rarity and power of melee weapons. The axe should be more valuable and powerful than the wooden stick. - 100% of gear being ruined when being shot(I find this unrealistic). - Not being able to aim straight up(it leads to some unfair encounters). - Charging animations for putting bullets in magazines.(this would change how much time it takes to charge a magazine in turn making combat with firearms become way more realistic) - Animations for loading the revolver without the snap loader, and the Sks without the stripper clip(again making combat with these types of guns more realistic). - Animations for folding/compressing the stocks on the AK variants, pm73, cz61, mp5, and future smg's(idk if the ump has a foldable stock irl). - Armored vehicles, artillery, anti-tank rifles. In my opinion any weapon could be added to the game and as long as the spawn rate reflects the Power of the weapon (and as long as the rpg can destroy armored vehicles) it would be accepted by the community. - I liked Escape from Tarkov's searching action that you have to perform before you can see inside a backpack. - Add Newtons 3rd law to how people zigzag when trying to dodge bullets(a player would have to stop before doing a 180). - A problem with nighttime is that you can't see if you're full health or if you're low on blood(showing the characters injured animation in the inventory could help in future patches). - Consider Removing third person or alternatively making a change to it that makes the game more realistic as 3pp currently absolutely ruins realism in terms of awareness of other players. I wouldn't have an issue with this if 1st person servers where more populated but as of now I only see one server that is on medium pop and the rest are low pop. I really don't understand why 1st person is so unpopular I just find 1st person servers to feel more intense and realistic and that's a good thing but yet they're still dead regardless. One Idea I had was to make it so that there are only a handful of available 1pp servers for people to go on(EU,US,AU servers) and when a customer buys a server they are not allowed to make it 1pp so only the official servers remain. That way the whole 1pp community is brought together and not split up on a massive list of servers. - Taking elements from the Resident Evil 4 zombies such as zeds climbing ladders, hitting and then opening doors would be cool in the finished version of Dayz. - Remove the ability to hide body, and add the ability to drag the unconscious/dead body(this would just be fun). - Bodies disappearing after 5 minutes feels game breaking. Increasing the time it takes for a body to de-spawn to 30minutes would fix this for me personally. This would fix it for ppl who want to run back to there dead body for revenge and for those times when you get in a shootout that lasts 20 minutes long. - Adding the ability to shoot through your target would be good to teach people to be sure of there target and what is beyond it. - AI should not be allowed to hit players that have a ping of 300+ or have lost connection to the server instead of logging(this would save characters from AI if there internet went down). - Sprint key also acting as the cancel action/animation key. - Idk what the current plan for plate carriers in dayz is but the tests performed on this channel might help - https://www.youtube.com/user/DemolitionRanch - Shooting a gun should cause ringing in your characters ears and make it so you have trouble hearing other players talk in-game. - Add the dead linger style of barricading to block off zombies/players from climbing through windows(I remember dean hall talking about this months after I bought the game a few years ago). - A thought I had on the stamina system is that the slower the player moves the more he will have to think about using cover in a shootout. Just a thought that could fix the problem with players running instead of using cover(I hope the stamina system fixes this). Also I believe if zombies where fast enough to occasionally hit players in the back while they are trying to run away it would definitely make players rethink going into a large cites/towns unarmed(I am a bit biased here as I am all for making zombies into a real threat and also am for making your fists and other low level melee weapons ineffective when fighting a zombie). - Right now I believe zombies are definitely dealing enough damage but I don't like how easy it is to kill them with low level melee weapons such as a beancan, your fists, brass knuckles, the wooden stick. I just think that's way to easy and that zombies need to be harder to kill and feel more terrifying to encounter. For instance a headshot with a non-lethal weapon used to just knock the zombie out for a second and I liked how that could buy you time to run away. Overall I just think zombies should be a relentless threat that is hard to kill unless you have managed to find decent weapon such as an axe, a spear, or a functioning chainsaw(or a gun if you're that desperate lol). - A bullets rarity should be determined by how big the round is or how much damage it does imo. Rounds such as 762x54r or 12 gauge would be the hardest to find when looting while smaller rounds like .22, .380, 9mm, .45acp would be easier to find in this scenario. This way even if everyone has a gun they have to go through some more looting to find ammo for it especially if it's a round that typically would kill a player with one or two shots. - An animation on an f key that hands an item to another player. You put the item you want to hand out into your hands, click the F3 key(or whatever key who cares), and any other player can grab it by clicking on it or using tab.(if both of you are holding an item as a hand out you can click on the player to confirm trade). and If one of the players makes a move to attack it would be cool if there could be a smooth transition animation from holding the item out to running away(I know these ideas are getting far fetched lol). - An idea I once had was to remove the names and descriptions of items to make it realistic in the sense that you or I may not know what this item is when you come across it. - When drawing a pistol from your pants it'd be cool if you click the left click while drawing you can accidentally shoot yourself in the leg(Also this bring the idea of adding a conceal belt holster to the game)
  6. Jackalm92

    No mag guns spawning without ammo

    Devs already mentioned adding this. Idk which stable news report it was but they did say it was being added later on.