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Everything posted by waffen

  1. could the survivors FIND a proper codelock, like the four digit keypad in the mods, perhaps there could be some around Chernarus when the outbreak started? can we make craft-able LOCKERS, like those in stores and barracks with fully outfit capabilities. or just some rustic armoire or box with clothes hooks? gunrack? all in vanilla and official servers please the problem with modded servers is tons of silly camo clothes and tons of variants of m4's and ak's
  2. is there going to be a wipe when it hits stable? also, can you guys recommend a server with mods that have: codelocks lockers basebuilding buildanywhere nostamina BUT it doesn't have like 30+ version of m4 and aks, tons of clothes with ridiculous camos
  3. Can you guys please!!!! Locker (full clothes inventory slots, plus storage) like the ones YOU already have as clutter in barracks or stores Gunrack like the ones YOU already have as clutter Gundisplay just a board where you can hang rifles. PLEASE PLEASE add those items in vanilla I mean craft-able
  4. Hi devs, first of all congrats on your efforts to update this game, me and my friends have returned and we've seen a high player count on official servers. Please consider the following requests: 1.Locker. craftable, (full outfit same elements as the player) make it difficult to craft, for instance, 4 or 5 metal sheets, metal wire, nails etc. with the arrival of toxic areas, the necessity of a locker, for fast and easy change is IMPERATIVE. make it even compatible with the big truck as an attachment. enable it with lockpick and combination locks. 2.BASE, Fence with small door, Fence with working windows. 3.PU Scope, remove the green tint. 4.BASE, increase the building tolerance, I mean, make it easier to build fecces, not everywhere but more versatile. thanks
  5. waffen

    Devs before you move on to DayZ 2.0

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about DayZ 2.0 and I know mods with the items I ask exist. All I'm saying is they add those items to vanilla, without the need of mods.
  6. waffen

    Devs before you move on to DayZ 2.0

    so what you guys think about: A Locker, fully working, craftable, outfit like the modded ones A Gun Display, fully working, carftable Devs want us building raiding bases? I want this in vanilla
  7. waffen

    Devs before you move on to DayZ 2.0

    Oh me and my frineds are playing official vanilla servers, when you use the PU scope there's a green tint, kind of a ray-ban sunglasses, not present in ACOG or hunter scope
  8. waffen

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Can you guys PLEASE update this to stable tomorrow? I have never seen a patch kill a game before , where is everybody? most servers are empty and the ones that remain full no longer play as they should, they play with a "purge" pvp mindset.
  9. waffen

    Watchtowers - Unnecessary hole in the roof

    I support this suggestion, the stair hole should be present only y you built stairs.
  10. waffen

    More character models

    I support this suggestion
  11. waffen

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Hello, reading the discussion I can see here are no critical bugs, please consider updating stable this week or asap, deliver fixes as it goes, every major update announcement kills the game a little bit, people go to other games or servers since there is no point keeping a base that will be wiped
  12. waffen

    New Hive Situation

    yeah, probably lots of fanbois will attack me but I think the developers now have this very fine engine and want to kill the game and release another title to make more money. They need to left the hives as they were, PRIVATE and PUBLIC just as the number of genders tskt tsk ;) period. So what is the problem if 5 guys with FAL and SVD enter elektro or kamy to kill bambies? they will eventually, get killed too, and make a bambie very happy with their gear. They say they want to offer a "genuine experience" with the official servers ..hmm what would that be? almost zero population and no loot? I like the new 0.62 patch it looks and feels right, except for the ambien sounds, too loud. But they needed to make barricading buildings possible in private hives or make stashes in public hives the items are already in the loot tables: Nails, Tape, Rope, Barrel, Hammer, SledgeHammer, Wrinch, Screwdriver, etc. So dear devs, forget your road map, it's taking to long, give the players you have left what they want, and be sure they will get more players for you
  13. waffen

    New public character handling sucks³

    They should fix it pronto. up until this week was working well, why change it after 3 years? sometimes it seems like they just want the game to die and use the engine in another title oh and the new update looks superb really enjoying the new patch but they should fix the hives
  14. waffen

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    if you can wait years for bases or don't need better ways to conceal a barrel or camp, nor use extra inventory space dedicated for weapons that's ok some people.. eh? Do you want other people playing this game?
  15. waffen

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Yeah and the new shaders and tree textures were critical for the survival mechanics
  16. waffen

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Sorry to bother you with my post, I'm a client of these guys since 2001 (Operation Flashpoint) have all their products up to Arm3 except the DLCs Some of you guys need to stop being such fanbois and start to ask the important questions and features the players would like in order to have a healthy community
  17. waffen

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    You BI guys like money right? You need to get the people that ALREADY bought the game back playing. so they can buy more copies to their friends or promote the game. Please Release the Weapons and Items current players would like to have: 1.Ballistic Googles 2.M249 SAW 3.PKM 4.CR550 5.H&K G3 6.Night Vision Googles 7.Female Shorts work immediately in: leg gun holster ways to carry ANOTHER weapon on the back Stash (buried chest or barrel) and finnaly let us test the cars! Spawn them fully repaired forget about Vehicle Parts and Maintenance all my friends are playing PUBG and Tarkov
  18. Hi Bohemia Interactive developers and DayZ community First I want to say DayZ Standalone is one of my favorite games Been close the Arma series since Operation Flashpoint back in 2001 Got all your games from your store and also from steam, except the Arma3 DLCs (what were you thinking?) You guys have been doing an incredible job, the thing I love the most about Dayz is the player customization, clothes, etc. I've seen the Roadmap and I'm not cool with it. You guys like money right? You need to recover all the players you lost, so they can invite other people to play and buy more copies. I made a little list of request that could help make the game better 1.Stash, chest that one can bury. Bases are going to take so long and probably won't work on public servers, I need a more secure and maybe passwored chest that I can hide. 2.Locker (see above) Since public servers *might not* have bases and private ones that have the option would LAG massively with the bases number. I need a small virtual locker that could hold one or two outfits/loadouts See the competition like Escape from Tarkov, Infestation, PUBG, etc. You could even link it to one sole personal hidden stash. 3.Leg Pistol Holster Its only natural to have one, you have the beany hat that could hold the camo net, military boots that could hold the combat knife. I need an aditional slot to hold a second pistol or secondary weapon in the thigh. I really don't mind clipping. 4.FLUSH command, but for faces/head. FIX the head bug, you talk about denser forests and new textures but don't fix the head bug. Make a display option or console command that re-textures the players faces, seriously it's such a massive immersion killer Speaking of faces, characters presets, why do we need them? why in 2017 we have fixed characters presets? If the engine can't support them, remove the especific faces like, dean, matt, jana, etc. Why didn't you guys implemented a custom model like any other game??!! Make a custom face with sliders, then generate a string with the data and have your very custom face, again, just like everybody else! 5.FIX the Ndivia shadowplay bug I sometimes forgot to change the resolution back and forth to fix the bug with gamma while recording. Seriously you're letting down half your player base, how can we promote the game with our friends if we can't stream or record it properly? Finally what can you guys add or bash? I love this game and I want peoplo to buy it and play it Bohemia you can recover those 3,700,000 customers and make more! regards
  19. waffen

    a couple of small changes

    -Gews- thanks for the shadowplay tip mate! Thank you all for your comments, it really comes out of some kind of desperation how developers divide the efforts in two strike teams and see them work on 'denser forests', car components, tree models. with so many things that would improve the game experience for many of us. About the Leg/thigh pistol holster I did mean as a lootable item. And also, many other mods that derived from DayZ vanilla saw the need for bases and additional storage. even Dean Hall once talk about doing something similar like skyrim or instanciating areas, who knows
  20. waffen

    Desired New Animations

    Or they could scrap all the "animations" system and Implement Euphoria You guys saw the new melee animations?, 6 different animations used in sequence They should have used the directional combat attack/block from mount and blade: warband I'm not bashing, I love DayZ and I want it to be the best :)