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About Mutorcs71

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    On the Coast

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  1. Mutorcs71


    Years ago when i played WoW that was the most hated word on the forums...probably still is lol
  2. Mutorcs71

    Character Value: A discussion.

    There is no value because there is no goal other than to stay alive and staying alive has no reward. I would suggest a simple leveling system. 1-10 where 1 is a fresh spawn and 10 is a long lived player. it could be invisible to the player so they have no idea when they are leveling. it would make it feel more like you are actually learning then and not just doing X to reach Y levels 1-2 low heath and stamina and easily killed. would need to get certain goals accomplished to move on to the next levels. simple tasks that show they could survive...find a full set of clothes,kill zombies, help another player(s), make something basic...stone knife, sharp stick...ect ect ect. levels 3-8 mid to high heath and not as easy to kill. these levels are where the "soft" skills are learned. learn to hunt,learn to cook, learn help other players, learn to kill other players, learn to trade with other players ect ect ect. these levels would also define what kinda player you will become. these levels would be like what a player experiences in game now. you can do everything but maybe not as good as a trained person could. there are already books in game so make them something you need to find and read to gain skills and the part of the training process....hunting,trapping,sewing,first aid,shooting,base building ect ect ect. once one book is learned all others are unreadable. level 9 max heath and difficult to kill.this level would be the reward part for surviving. these levels you could get more specific with your skills. there are already books in game so make them something you need to find and read to gain skills and the final part of the training process....hunting,trapping,sewing,first aid,shooting,base building ect ect ect. once one book is learned all others are unreadable. books at this level would be more advanced and specific to the training you choose to take. only books alkong the path you choose would be able to be read. level 10 max heath and hard to kill ( head shots are head shots though) this level would be where you could learn a second soft skill pertaining to your role. full mil spec people could learn weapon cleaning so any weapon or associated equipment they find can be made pristine. some one that was a trader could find better loot. someone that was a medic could make the best bandages. if you're a cook you make the best food and drink.base builders could add locks and reinforced walls/gates any time a player dies they are sent back 3 or 4 levels and have to retrain the skills they lost from being killed. level groups would be weapon specific too. levels 1-2 wouldnt be able to use military wepons because they dont know how to yet.if you did find a gun you could maybe get one or two shots of but with very limited success and then the gun breaks levels 3-8 could use the basic pistols and rifles with limited shooting range and effectiveness levels 9-10 can use full military weapon and gear ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- there is no way around there NOT being defined roles in this game.once you have a "job" in game you add value to your character. adding levels would give end game play to players and reward them for learning and surviving long term. with certain roles defined it would make player interaction part of the game and add value to group play as well.