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About CorpSamich

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  1. CorpSamich

    How can you even call this a game?

    You're playing in a mod that's in Alpha, in a community which you know better than to trust not to kill you the moment it seems opportune. The life expectancy of your life is avg of an hour last time I checked, and the game isn't supposed to be surviving, you're going to die one point or another, deal with it. Never get attached to your possessions. Not even if you've been alive for 30 days.
  2. Would it be safe to play the game like this? Is my player also invisible to everyone else as well?
  3. I recently updated DayZ to and all that, beta and all, and played a couple hours yesterday/today. After hearing some of my old friends were going to play, I decided to hop into sixlauncher and play with them. I joined in and spawned with all my regular stuff, and looked in 3rd person view; My character was invisible, I was unable to see him and didn't seem to look there was anything there, No guns or anything. I went back into 1st person and looked around at my body, and it seemed I had a Camo-like clothing on instead of regular survivor clothes. I also noticed some of those diamonds that show allies when I was in as well when playing. I logged off right after, and have a picture of the 3rd person and first with the changed look of what was different gloves/hands. On aborting and on the main menu, I also saw that it was Version 2.4, even though I earlier updated to 2.5, Help? 3rd Person: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Samichman/screenshot/596979049402113469/?tab=public 1st Person: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Samichman/screenshot/596979049402111901/?tab=public
  4. CorpSamich

    Ability to rollback from 7.2.3 to 7.2.1?

    So otherwise there is no risk of getting banned?
  5. CorpSamich

    Ability to rollback from 7.2.3 to 7.2.1?

    How so? BattleEye stuff? Or just the whole Hive thing? The only server I've gone and connected to since updating to 2.3 is a 2.1 server, which pretty much all my stuff is on.
  6. Are we able to rollback from one version to another? I've heard a story about another player getting GUID hack banned by BattleEye by this, but seeing that I haven't picked up any items/done anything in 2.3, Should I be able to?
  7. CorpSamich

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Rated M Gaming, These men are life savers. Thank you Brian and everyone. I was stuck north of starry after a bandit attack, and had no morphine on me after. Quick response, helped within 10 minutes, and at full strength. Thank you Guys, you're amazing and make me want to be a better person in this world.
  8. After searching the fourms, I've found threads saying you can keep these weapons and not spawn them, or you can keep them if there's an Icon of the weapon in the gear menu... Could someone tell me exactly what the policy on this is? I got spawned a AS50 into my inv today with 8 clips, haven't used it yet, but wondering if I can? Will I get banned if I keep them?
  9. CorpSamich

    In relation to Hackers/Item Givers

    Ah, I believed that obtaining items this way was somewhat illegal, so it's just a moral decision? Alright then, Thanks.
  10. Today playing on Seattle 67, Several of my friends randomly get AKMs and 8 clips for it. I log out after this was given to everyone in the server. I join a game 3 hours later, and have an AKM and AS50 in my inv, with 8 clips each. Should I just discard these weapons, since they were given to me by some means of a hacker and such?
  11. CorpSamich

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Thanks god you are not a developer of this mod. Dont touch cherno and electro. Go to forest and play there. I have fun killing in cherno. We can't all be cool, sorry bud. Glad you're not a developer for this mod either, can think of a few AAA companies that might want your services though. Good job actually detailing why you think I'm wrong, solid work. So only coz you dont like Cherno they should remove it ? FFS what are you smoking? Just dont come to cherno and live in the woods. Whasts your problem? I think you're misinterpreting what he's saying. Quarantined in the sense that there's only a place or two that you can get in or out, and that it's packed full of zombies, with modified loot In my view, doing that to Cherno may be a bad Idea, as it is sort of a last resort for some people, But also on a realism sense, it would make somewhat sense.
  12. Ah, Alright. I might want to avoid that because my computer only really does well with A2:Free on Normal or lower. If I crank it to Very High, It'll still be rather negative on my frames, correct?
  13. Heyo, I went on the Day Z wikia and saw it's possible to play With ARMA II: Free and OA alone. So I told my friend this, and he said that the visual quality goes down the drain with this. He doesn't know the level that it goes down to, or if there is missing Textures/models and the like. If there's any more knowledge before I go and buy about this, The help is appreciated.