im trying this the third day, no success and it seems i am the only one having this issue:
The satellite texture is wirdly messed up in buldozer, the tiles are repeated and they change thier content when i fly over them. the heightmap works fine, also the mask and its near/detail textures... the sat tiles are not loaded completly by radom though, the are from near the viewers location, and the size of the tiles does not correspond to the settings on the samplers tab (those seem to have no effect at all). My current settings are:
gridsize 4096x4096, cellsize 2, terrain size 8192, sat and surface mask are 8192x8192px (bmp - 24bit), resolution 1m/px, tile-size 512x512, des.overlap 16, texture layer size 32x32...
what i have tried:
changed the tile-sizes, overlap, textue-layer size parameters to a lot of combinations (with regenerating layers and wrp)
split sat-image to 4 smaller pieces, and aligned them in terrain builder
startet new with different sat-image resolutions (first attemt was 8000x8000px, 1px/m)
copied the gameexecutables to the P:\ rootfolder and starting buldozer from this location
tried out different config/layers templates (linked by mathhew longtime), my current attemt is to modify the files included with the samples/Test_Terrain provided by BI on Github
i am able to load the sample terrain in buldozer without problems btw
any ideas?