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Posts posted by Storymaster

  1. Vehicle desynch is the biggest issue with vehicles at the moment - an issue that has only grown worse in the past few days, somehow agitated by the geometry hang up fix for vehicles. Vehicle desynch used to give a warning with small stutters, queing the player to log off and reload their entire game before continuing to drive. In the past three days, my friends and I have experienced severe dsynch without warning which has destroyed 8 vehicles and killed 3 of us. When I first reported this bug when vehicles returned to Stable, I was told that this was scheduled for a fix.


    Do we know when this will be resolved - is it soon, and if not, what roadblocks are standing in the way of addressing this crucial issue?

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  2. 3 minutes ago, lrishjake said:

    I can confirm they spawn all over mil sites, not just heli crashes. Ive found most of mine in barracks.. usually inside of a jacket/pants. Lately I have found about 6 grenades in 2 weeks.


    That might be why so many arent seeing them? Spawn inside items..?


    Also, I am pissed that they are less effective at destroying vehicles than a fireaxe. WTF is that all about? I scavenge for grenades to help clean up the car mess .. and those floating cars still wont go away even after 4 grenades that appeared to damage it. :/

    Thanks for the tip on looking inside clothes, Irish.


    Also - wasn't aware that grenades are currently shit for demoing vehicles, as that is why I was searching for them--to save on ammunition when demoing busted vehicles, especially those pesky V3S's that take a licking and keep on ticking. Well, they're shit for crashing--they just take an ungodly amount of ammo compared to the sedan or hatchback. You figure their robustness would make them far more resilient to crashing as well.

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  3. Back in January, I was finding the RGD-5 grenade quite regularly. Over the past two months, I have not seen a single one I run military bases daily--primarily Tisy and NWAF. Only flash bangs and smoke grenades to be found. Have grenades been temporarily removed from the game?







  4. 1 minute ago, Espa said:

    I am loving all of this attention being paid to vehicles! Once these bad boys run smooth without any bugs, the whole game will be a different story. Can't wait :D 

    Indeed and agreed. They only time I crash is due to vehicle desync. You're trucking along smooth and then WHAM! -- side teleported off the road into a barrier without warning. There's no defense against it.

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  5. So glad that work is being put towards vehicles physics. Hopefully vehicle desync is also being worked on.

    Awesome that we can tan wolf pelts now. It's funny, because I got a weird feeling last night and actually saved three wolf pelts when I would have otherwise tossed them.

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  6. Hilarious video, Irish. Props to the guy for killing a wolf with a spear. That should be an achievement.


    On 3/22/2017 at 7:57 PM, liquidcactus said:

    Wolves are a bit OP when you godda shoot em with 3 AK bullets each


    I think they are perfectly balanced on strength, except for maybe the headshots. Wild hogs can definitely survive multiple headshots in real life, but wolves cannot. Other than the headshot issue, I have no issue with their overall strength. I just wish they were more prevalent or that there were certain areas of the map where they constantly spawn or spawn often. It is great to see things like wolves implemented for PVE. Hopefully bears will follow, but they have not been added to the development board unfortunately. The infected are not much of a challenge right now, and as long as you have a machine gun with 30+ rounds, you're good for one man against a pack, even if you're caught out in the open. Wolves are even more disappointing when you are in a group of three or more. You hunt forever for a pack, then the pack is exterminated in a matter of seconds with very little risk.


    Nothing against you, Cactus--just my personal opinion on the current state of wolves.

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  7. remnants_header_logo2_x3hmea.png



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  8. 1 hour ago, ClaireOpen said:

    Yes, just like the protector case and barrel, the ammo box is permanent.  They are very sought after as they have eight slots, are small, and green.  They make an excellent re-supply crate near spawn points as they're very hard to spot.  I have a few stashed about - usually with a raincoat, burlap sack, a rope, a bottle of water, some matches and a stack of rags.

    Awesome. Thank you for the info and suggested usage.

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