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About Derains

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    On the Coast

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  1. Derains

    Stable Update 0.61.137720

    @IMT just asking for the list to confirm live servers work as well as the experimental to give the thumbs up!
  2. Derains

    Stable Update 0.61.137720

    @IMT be honest and say you are playing experimental because of the cars and I'm happy you tested "my patch" - can you give me the list of "game testing required" that you had to test?
  3. Derains

    Stable Update 0.61.137720

    @IMT really? Be grateful that you get an update with fixes? WHAT FREAKING LOGIC DO YOU HAVE MAN??? We didn't say they don't deserve weekends, but don't we deserve to play a playable game during weekend? What if the update causes more unforeseen bugs? stop saying really stupid crap. Re. cars @IMT . They should have fixed the players for the new engine as well, still they are not taken out. I would want a car as broken as the player so I don't have to spend 10 hours only running in this game.
  4. Derains

    Stable Update 0.61.137720

    They just want to make you feel like fixing something is actually a "new feature" if you understand the drama of the whole situation -- like cars have been around for so many patches, they decided to ditch cars on stable, because it was causing "LAG" well, guess what? nothing changed. I would've accepted having low frame rates and lag with a car, on occasion manage some other bugs that it throws on you, because that's what happens, when you think you know something in this game, you just realize it is more broken than you thought it was... the more you play it the more you ask yourself why are you playing it for so long EVEN WITHOUT cars. I honestly ask myself that question every day. I just hope a dev, or someone with authority in Bohemia Interactive will read this post and will do the following : - introduce some sort of transport back to stable asap - branch it from your version control so that you don't push updates to this unless you really fixed it. - fix the uncontrollable character after you find a base ( with more than 3 tents ) that makes you have to log out right in the middle of the action or get killed even after travelling so much. because yeah, you have to run - forage for food, find clothes because it rains and you die of hypothermia, make fires what so often ( at least that one works now right? YAAY ), or find a firefighter suit and ignore rain all day long ( like literally nothing on you gets wet if you wear them ) - stop pushing updates at the end of the week UNLESS it is a CRITICAL update. But most likely, it will be disregarded.
  5. Derains

    Stable Update 0.61.137720

    @Crispala I up that. It's retarded spending 2 hours to go across the map to die in 10 seconds because your direction gets bugged by some tents that belong to some baboon that was actually farming and saw you.