@Baty Alquawen
It's clear for me that you guys can't code for shit. It's been clear for a while now. I mean let's face it... you can't add a new feature and completely destroy something that is already there, unless you are just now learning how to code.
But let's get off the programmers backs for a moment (more like 4 years) to let them learn how OOP works and most likely THEIR OWN ENGINE, and talk about the cars. Specifically let's talk about the IDIOT who said 'take out the cars and code them from scratch'... WHY?!!? Why take out the end game? It's a HUGE map! As shitty as they were, we used them. Sure code them from scratch ON EXPERIMENTAL and leave us some shitty version of them on stable! What baboon had this stupid idea? How much of an 'yes man' can all you idiots working there be to agree with him?
Can we please for the love of Tapdancing Christ get SOME SORT of vehicles back?