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Everything posted by EL1X1R

  1. EL1X1R

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    >don't want to wear something in public showing a weapon >wat Are you afraid the terrorists will think you're armed? Also #1
  2. EL1X1R

    Tents are NOT crashed helicopters

    >the Great >Oh boy, another brony that thinks they're on top of the world. What a surprise.
  3. EL1X1R

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    You damn whiny bitch OP. It's in Alpha FFS. It's nowhere near done and maybe his whole intention in the first place was to add more. (Hint: That's usually the point..) You are playing an incomplete game. I wish people would get the hell over that fact and move on. If you don't like the game don't play it nobody is asking for your shitty opinion.