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Everything posted by kyellogen

  1. kyellogen

    Banned from DE 334. (Admin ban)

    Hi Nevill : ) I just told you this would happend : ) He got his ban for massive Server Hopping and Hacking ^^ This was not the first time he did this and he got 2 warnings befor he get his ban! Oh, and he is the first one and only on the ban list ^^
  2. kyellogen

    There is meat - but no fish???

    There is "fish" in the game >_>
  3. My idear for the Standalone,... There should be a lots of repairable vehicles,...much more then unrepairable! But it should be harder to repair them,...like more parts and you need tools/more tools for the repair! Like Batteri or other stuff or just different Engiens or wheels (for exemple Truck wheels) Maybe a extra skill (if the skill thing comes) Also there should be less ,much less fuel! The fueltanks at Gasstations shouldnt be an endless ressource! mh,...if you get the Gasstation back to electric network or something like that you get more out of the tanks or even can use it like a normal person would ^^ Vehicles it should be very easy to find them, Hard to repair them and even harder keep them running ; ) Some fight about the ressources (Fuel in this case) would be fun : )
  4. kyellogen

    Vehicle / Tent save

    mh,...they didnt save at all at my server -_- But didnt respawn ; )
  5. Oh,...like the Topic says,...My server didnt save Tents and items in it. Cars and thier position will be saved but not the Items in them! What to do? ^^ Or Just wait for the next update/hotfix?!
  6. mh,.....works long long long time good,...since last patch it dosnt anymore -_-
  7. Tents are there,..but after restart,..all items gone, like you said,...thats how they work?! Shouldn they save the Items? ^^ The Cars have all the stuff they had since last patch,..i can take stuff out,..put new stuff into it,..but after restart,...all items reset,... -_-
  8. Nice place for the chopper XD This took us 7 hours to get all we need for it ^^ "Anyone know how to reload the guns in the chopper? I have M240 rounds (been keeping stock when I find these) but no clue how to reload it into the guns. " Thats a good question! How do we reload the guns? ^^
  9. kyellogen

    Helis are back?

    Oh,...thx : )
  10. kyellogen

    Helis are back?

    rly?! : O
  11. kyellogen

    Helis are back?

    Didnt find one >_> There a time they need to spwan,..like 1200min or in this way? : D
  12. kyellogen

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    wtf? Dont say,... -_- I sitting here and waitng,..nothing happens aaaahhhhh getting mad
  13. kyellogen

    New Server Signup and Ticket System

    I need an Instance ID! I have send a Ticked but still didnt get this ID : ( QUICK DO SOMETHING : D ... plz ^^
  14. kyellogen

    Probleme mit der Verbindung[German]

    Alle server sind down ; ) Liegt nicht an dir soll wohl ein DDOS angriff auf den Hauptserver sein ; )
  15. kyellogen

    Server UK #99

    Today 3 of us get Killt without a hit near Airfield (NW) death with 12k Blood,... just wondering,...all 3 just died immidialty -_- Is it possible for an Admin to just kill people like that? >_> I mean, yes it is,...but,... Edit: Just hacker -_- sorry
  16. kyellogen

    Server UK #99

    Okay,...100% hacker Not serveradmin,...!
  17. kyellogen

    Server UK #99

    3 guy with a sniper? 1 sek. 3 Players death without a hit? or just a hacker,..mh,...
  18. kyellogen

    Moar Wepanz!

    oh,..Bayonets : D Good thinking! I :heart: Bayonets,..! aahh,..Good old days with my Mauser K98 ^^ But,...really,...Lees range weapons less PvP Game would be hard,...players would help each other and just dont shooting each other,..mostly >_> on Sunday someone trys to kill me with an axe,...he runs behind me like 5 min,...then after he didtn answer me ich killed him with my Mk48 -_- poor Guy
  19. kyellogen

    Moar Wepanz!

    We need less weapons,...they should be common like a Car,...more meele less range weapons,... ; )
  20. yesterday i was in front of the cherno hospital,...brocken legs and something like 2000blood,...I was crying for help,..and then someone with a shootgun stands in front of me,...he watched,...i just startet to tell him what happens,..then he just shoot me,...I even didnt have a weapon or something,..just bleeding on the ground and if he had just walk away i where drown in my own blood -_- Just 3 Week for this i hang around in cherno and helpd players,...many,..it was possible,...now its really just a DM game,... Hope most of the CoD Kids get the new/next dlc for COD or COD 5 or the new Counter-Strike and leave the game : D
  21. kyellogen

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Today I get shot from a Bandit,...but how,...I shoot him down after he shoot at me,...he fall down and dc (was not death) after a 1min or less he recon. and killed me,... -_- I think chars. should stay for a min or 2 in the game after dc. So you have to get a save place to dc. : /
  22. Trading outpost? sounds cool,... Sounds like a place to trade with cooked meet and stuff i dont have use for. : D
  23. kyellogen

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    OneShotX oh, I see,..sorry that you lose a man -_- First we thougt it was just 1 Bandit,... ^^ I hope next time our ways crosses it dont ends up in a mess like last time ^^
  24. kyellogen

    Be or not to be friendly?

    Without side channel its hard to be friendly,.... In first place,...i try to help others or just ignore them,...(not in War Zones like the Big Citys) Just shoot 4 Players in my gametime on DayZ 1 on the Beach that was just shooting around with no sens 2 Guys from a Group of 5. Because they trying to loot our Camp. and 1 Clan Member with my M24 at Airfield after they were shooting at us and lost us in the woods! (just to let them know nobody shoots at us) ^^