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Everything posted by TerrorHimself

  1. TerrorHimself

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    So as they stated on Twitter this is going to be a paid DLC once the open beta ends. I remember the dev team stating at one point in the past, that there won't be any paid content and that everything will be within the purchase of the DayZ Standalone game itself. I have to say I am really disappointed about this and also about the fact that there is new content to be released when the already existing content does not work right and bugs that have been reported by many people for a long time are not being fixed instead. I've been a huge fan of DayZ ever since the mod for Arma 2 was released and I am currently a server developer for a very successful modded server in the standalone, but the things that the DayZ development team are doing at the moment and have been doing a long time, especially not being true to their words, really make me think about leaving the game altogether.