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Everything posted by HRF.DAYZ
Thanks ! :) from the community
Your nightmare could be true :) When you play alone, i can understand to do not play a Backpack Tetris simulation. In group, we could imagine many situations where an automatic system could be boring. Especially, if you want a man in the squad as medic, an other as support.
When Apple and Water Glitch will disapear, i think the experience change a lot :) With the stress to get water from pump with the real timer and pray to not take a bullet. Where are the wild boars? It has been more than a year since I have not seen and crafted a bag with their skins
Realism is a thing, playability is other. The global idea is good to eliminate many things in animation choice or in the inventory. If player want only realism, go in the forest in real life and search object in your back without hud :) In all the cases, the actually hud of Dayz is one of best ugly in the video game history but it's work with many functions instead of many games. Since the beginning of the Arma game, there are 16 years with a similar interface, we can hope change with the new engine but don't expect revolution.
For crossbow, not real problem to find it ... but not Crossbow Bolt ... only 5 bolts in 15 days and we can't craft them. Only solution, be lucky or live in forest in order to survice and don't look players.
I have a doubt, no change on the roads textures since the 0.62 exp ? I hope little tweaking about the shader of water on the Chernarus.
My story of the night on Exp, For problems : - FPS drop with this latest update, strange. - zombies with vehicules, - light of vehicule on few model of tree, - detail of objects, - crash For annoying thing to me : - sound of breath that is so high, the sound of environment is nice and we can't listen it properly with the breath of the character. I hope a tweak about it or an option to reduce sound. problems of objects who don't want answer, collision with lader, detail with vehicule when we are far from it, grass on the ground of the vehicule when we are in the 1st view. The little story : I spawn in the south of Chernarus : I find a car on the Balota / AirStrip Airport. I meet my loving zombies The game crash, i restart it and find my vehicule In Zelenogorsk, i find the first Container Dock of my life : I take again my car to go to the new gate and the game crash again, one of my tire is dead and i don't have the option to get in the vehicule Nevertheless, i feel good with this great landscape : In the forest i listen wolfs and i running as Usain Bolt : I find a little area that i like especially : I'm alone, i mount the mountain alone, i live alone, i will die alone : I find my get : After this travel, it's time to swimming, i have put my equipment in this little house on the right of the gate, if player find it :) contact me. It's cold but it's a pleasure, alone in the paradise of the death After relax arround the gate and no sign of life, i find a petrol can for suicide And ... no effect on my character, damned ... I try to jump in water and my character don't wan't died, it's really a great swimmer, and survivor. I try to jump where there is no water and it's not possible. I return to the little house to gate a knife. And ... ... ... ... Full album of the story :
However, since the 0,62 patch and particulary the latest exp version. There is many cases where the game look like your edit photo :) and it's very difficult to look the sun in the end of the day. I like it, for sniper position, it's the only game where i can find this. We miss the rainbows as Arma 3 :)
Hey Danny ! You have touch the graphic option or edit the picture ? With the 0,62 update, it's one of the very few game where i take my time to look the landscape, even after 10 years of walk on this map, it's always a pleasure. Now, we wait new content :)
Yeah, with this big cloud, we look more the sky than the ground, i have no this perception before this change of the shader.
Hello, Dayz get out in the future on console. I don't know how player on the console can use animation (F1 to F12). Also, for the pc, i hope it's planned an single button with preview of all animation and the choice of it with an mouvment or an click on it. It could release 12 keys on the keyboard for other action.
Thanks for the tip for the bow. I need now tips to drive bus. It's very hard in the cities and the sidewalks. The zombies are ridiculous with the car. About the new sky renderer, if the server is in accelerate time, even in a car, the cloud have turbo mod and move so quickly :). The sky do not look as good in texture than the previous sky, it's my opinion. In the car at the middle of the video, the new grass is visible on the ground of the car. I don't know why the car don't move as i want and strange thing as i drive ( uncontrolled slide) Also and finally, i have found how to record with shadowplay without britghtness problem..
Guys don't like Birds :( It's time to hide and wait for them to look for us
If the sound of environment is equal as the number of real animals of the map, we could expect silence on 99% on the map. To listen song, zombies are sure value :) I hope birds later in the forest to hunt them.
You can't hope, stamina it's sure ! fore the weight of object and bag i don't know. The Idea of stamina could be fun, particulary when you purchase a group in walking mod and other party in vehicule :)
In this patch, Many experimental servers even if they have public option, have the character only on the server where you play, it's annoying if you lost the name :)
Not easy to kill a "fly wolf" at the new castle Sorry for the brightness, i'm not an expert with shadowplay
Please lower the sound of the player himself, we listen to much the breathing of our guy. You walk in the forest, you listen more it than the sound of the environment, it's painfull, mostly with the same song since ten years. Or an option to reduce sound of our guy and listen the good audio environment
I'm currently can't move, my body lag on the place even with running mod ... strange.... (lag surely) From another server with no problem of moving : I'm not an expert of stars, can you help me :) http://faaq.org/bibliotheque/constellations/pagdt100.htm
Hello from a white man, A little album :
It's not the subject of the topic i send you an message about it, it's sure that we see it in the future
Hum no problem to fint it in garage and dear stand. For the gun on your body, i know many people who have 3 guns or more in their bag without ammo... and who died with it. It's not a arcade game in movements. We can expect impressive changes in the near future with the new controler animation. I dream about many things as to have a leg broken in stand mod, zombies who follow me, and after i close the door house, the zombie break the door. A short time to use a bandage and kill the zombies. It's the future of DayZ with the new animations :) but not only.
With an GTX1070, No change since the first 0.62 version about vehicule. - Unplayable with vehicule, 30 fps with outside the cities and less in cities. Many rollback and lag only with vehicule (inside view or outside view). Other : Many problem about the pop of items we can't view on the ground even we are close. A little problem in Chernarus with an model who don't touch the ground : Zombies inside building at the start of the servers ? nice but i don't remember it Also for the gamma option, i'm ok with other player to delete it BUT after reflection, with the huge update of the forests and if the servers don't have more players, it's could be repel player to play in the forest and play the night and see only servers with mod in the future, it's not a pleasure for me to consider it.
I don't know if it's already present in the past, 3 Guys have fire on me and i have the arm fracture and an animation that i have never see before. With the animation, i can't use the fireaxe as usual. Also, I had great difficulty in removing the handcuffs by placing myself in a position of hostage and not as usual on the ground. The animation of the broken arm is gone by taking the gun.
Thx Gews to continue the 0.62 topic and not spawn discussion :) I have find a beautiful truck and i have very big lag with it. After few minutes of traveling, I can only move in the 1st speed .. or the truck lag on the same place. Also, 10 FPS in the cities with the truck... and when i get out from it, no problem. 30 fps outside the cities with the truck. I don't understand why with my good configuration.